adjoin âbandidan, âbanidan Fr.: adjoindre 1) To be close to or in contact with. M.E., from O.Fr. ajoindre"join together, unite," from L. adjungere "fasten on, harness, join to," from → ad- "to" + jungere "to bind together," cognate with → yoke. Âbandidan, âbanidan, from prefix â- + band, vand, bastan, in dialects contracted to ban-, van- "to bind, attach," → band, + -idan infinitive suffix. |
adjoint âband, âban Fr.: adjoint Literally "joined to." → adjoint matrix. → adjoin. |
adjoint matrix mârtis-e âban Fr.: matrice adjointe The → transpose of a → matrix in which each → element is replaced by its → cofactor. Same as → conjugate transpose and → Hermitian conjugate. |