Antarctic Daštargân, Jonubgân (#) Fr.: Antarctique The south polar area, south of latitude 66° 33' 8'' S. Antarctic, from O.Fr. antartique, from M.L. antarcticus, from Gk. antarktikos "opposite the north," from → anti- "opposite" + arktikos, → arctic. Daštargân, from daštar, → south, +
-gân suffix indicating the direction.
Arctic Hudargân, šomâlgân (#) Fr.: Arctique The north polar area, north of latitude 66° 33' 8'' N. Arctic, from O.Fr. artique, from L. arcticus, from Gk. arktikos "of the north," literally "of the (northerly prominent constellation) Bear," from arktos "bear" (cf. Av. arša-, Mod.Pers. xers, Tabari aš, Skt. rksa, L. ursus; PIE *rtko-). Hudargân, from hudar, → north,
+ -gân prefix denoting the direction. |