blaze beliz Fr.: flambée; blaze 1) General: A bright → burst of fire,
a flame; a bright or steady light or glare. O.E. blæse "a torch, flame," from P.Gmc. *blason, from PIE *bhel- "to shine." Beliz, from Lori beleyz "flame, blaze," Kordi belise "flame, blaze," Mid.Pers. brâh, Av. braz- "to shine, gleam, flash, radiate," cf. Skt. bhâ- "to shine," bhrajate "shines, glitters," O.H.G. beraht "bright," O.E. beorht "bright;" PIE *bhereg- "to shine." |
blaze angle zâviye-ye beliz Fr.: angle de blaze The angle between the operating facet of the grooves and the overall plane of a diffraction grating. → blaze; → angle. |
blaze wavelength mowjtul-e beliz Fr.: longueur d'onde de blaze The wavelength in a given diffraction order for which the efficiency curve reaches its maximum. → blaze; → wavelength. Mowjtul→ wavelength; beliz→ blaze. |
blazed grating turi-ye belizi Fr.: réseau échelette A → diffraction grating ruled appropriately so that a large proportion of the diffracted light is concentrated into a few, or even a single → order of interference. Blazed, adj. of → blaze; → grating. Turi, noun from tur "a net, a fishing net;" belizi adj. from beliz, → blaze. |