calorie (cal) kâlori (#) Fr.: calorie 1) Thermodynamics: The amount of → heat, in the
→ CGS system, required to raise the temperature of one
gram of water from 14.5 °C to 15.5 °C at standard pressure. It is equal
to 4.1858 → joules, a quantity called the 15° calorie.
Also called gram-calorie, small calorie. From Fr. calorie, from L. calor "heat," calidus "warm;" PIE base *kelə- "cold; warm;" Av. sarəta- "cold;" Mod.Pers. sard "cold, cool;" Skt. śiśira- "cold;" Ossetian sald "cold," Lith. šaltas "cold," silti "become warm;" Welsh clyd "cool." |