care 1) timâr (#); 2) timârdan Fr.: soin, souci, attention; 2) se soucier, s'intéresser 1a) A state of mind in which one is troubled; worry, anxiety, or concern;
a cause or object of worry, anxiety, concern, etc. M.E., from O.E. caru, cearu "sorrow, anxiety, grief," cognate with Gothic kara, O.H.G. chara lament; M.En. caren, O.E. cearian, carian "be anxious, grieve." Timâr "care, attendance on the sick; custody; sorrow;" Mid.Pers. têmâr "care; grief" |
careful timârmand Fr.: consciecieux, soigneux, soigné 1) Cautious in one's actions. → care; + -ful, a suffix meaning "characterized by; full of; able to;" → full. |
Poincaré recurrence theorem farbin-e bâzâmad-e Poincaré Fr.: théorème de récurrence de Poincaré In an → isolated system, any initial state will occur again in the course of the → evolution of the system over a sufficiently long but finite → time. → Poincaré sphere; → recurrence; → theorem. |
Poincaré sphere kore-ye Poincaré Fr.: sphère de Poincaré A representation that permits an easy visualisation of all different states of → polarization of a vector wave. The equator represents → linear polarization; the north pole corresponds to right-circular and the south pole to left- → circular polarization. Named after Henri Poincaré (1854-1912), French mathematician and theoretical physicist, and a philosopher of science; → sphere. |