specification âbizeš Fr.: précision, spécification 1) The act of specifying. Verbal noun of → specify. |
spectral classification radebandi-ye binâbi (#) Fr.: classification spectrale A system that assigns a → spectral type to a star according to characteristics of its spectrum. The earliest attempt to divide stars on the basis of their spectra was the → Secchi classification in the 1860s. This scheme paved the way for the → Harvard classification that led to the current → Morgan-Keenan classification of spectral types. In the Harvard system stars were originally thought to follow an evolutionary sequence from the "early" O and B types to the "late" K and M types. Although this is now known to be wrong, the terms → early-type star and → late-type star are still in use. In the Morgan-Keenan system stars are classified as type O, B, A, F, G, K, or M in order of decreasing → effective temperature, and each type further subdivided into subclasses from 0 (hottest, except for → O-type stars) to 9 (coolest). They are also accompanied by a → luminosity class. In the late 1990s, spectral types L and T were added to the sequence to accommodate the coolest stars and → brown dwarfs (with class Y reserved for the coolest brown dwarfs of all, as yet unobserved). → spectral; → classification. |
stratification cine-bandi Fr.: stratification A layered structure of sedimentary rocks in which the individual layers can be traced a considerable distance. The layers can be caused by many differences which include materials of different composition, color, grain size or orientation. Strati-, from → stratum + -fication from L. -ficare "to do, make." Ciné, → stratum + bandi, from bastan "to bind, shut; to contract, get, acquire; to coagulate," (Mid.Pers. bastan/vastan "to bind, shut," Av./O.Pers. band- "to bind, fetter," banda- "band, tie," Skt. bandh- "to bind, tie, fasten," PIE *bhendh- "to bind," cf. Ger. binden, E. bind, → band). |
Tholen classification radebandi-ye Tholen Fr.: classification de Tholen A fundamental system for the classification of → asteroids based on → albedo and → spectral characteristics. The Tholen scheme includes 14 types with the majority of asteroids falling into one of three broad categories, and several smaller types. → C-type asteroid, → M-type asteroid, → S-type asteroid. David J. Tholen (1984) Ph.D. thesis, University of Arizona; → classification. |
time allocation tesk-e zamân, ~ vaqt Fr.: attribution de temps de télescope The assignment of telescope time by an expert panel to proposals after evaluating the merits of the observation projects. → time; → allocation. |
truncation kolkard, kolšod Fr.: troncature The act or process of truncating, as → disk truncation. Verbal noun from → truncate. |
unification yegâneš Fr.: unification 1) The process of unifying or uniting; union. Verbal noun of → unify. |
verification râst-jost Fr.: vérification The act of verifying. The state of being verified. Verbal noun of → verify. |