character 1) serešt (#), sereštâr; 2) sereštâr; 3) daxšé (#) Fr.: 1, 3) caractère; 2) personnage 1a) The aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person
or thing. M.E. carecter "distinctive mark," from O.Fr. caractère, from L. character, from Gk. kharakter "graving tool, its mark," from kharassein "to engrave," from kharax "pointed stick." 1, 2) Serešt "nature, temperament, constitution; mixed,"
sereštan "to mix, mingle; knead;" serišom "glue;"
Mid.Pers. srištan "to mix, knead;" cf. Av. ham-sriš-
"to put together;" Skt. śres- "to cling, stick, be attached;"
Proto-Ir. root *sraiš- "to put together, attach" (Cheung 2007). |
characteristic 1) serežtâr; 2) serežtâri Fr.: caractéristique 1a ) A distinguishing feature or quality. |
characteristic age senn-e sereštâri Fr.: âge caractéristique Of a pulsar, a normalized period of rotation assumed to be a good approximation to pulsar's true age. → characteristic; → age. |
characteristic curve xam-e sereštâri Fr.: courbe caractéristique Graph representing an optical film's response to the amount of light falling on it. → characteristic; → curve. |
characteristic equation hamugeš-e sereštâri Fr.: équation caractéristique Physics: An analytical relationship between a set of physical
variables that determines the state of a physical system. → characteristic; → equation. |
characteristic mass jerm-e sereštâri Fr.: masse caractéristique A typical or most likely mass for the formation of an astronomical object. In current star formation models, it is of order of a few tenths of a → solar mass. → characteristic; → mass. |
characteristic thermal energy kâruž-e garmâyi-ye sereštâri Fr.: énergie thermique caractéristique The quantity kT in the → Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law, where k is → Boltzmann's constant and T the gas temperature. See also → thermal energy. → characteristic; → thermal; → energy |
characterization 1) sereštâreš 2) tanumsâ sâzi Fr.: 1) caractérisation; 2) représentation des caractères 1) The act of describing the character or qualities of someone or something. → characterize; → -tion. |
characterize sereštârdan Fr.: caractériser 1) To mark or distinguish as a characteristic; be a characteristic of. |