collimate hamrâstâyidan, hamrâstâ kardan Fr.: collimater To pack and align photons or atomic particles parallel to a particular direction. L. collimatus, p.p. of collimare, alteration of collineare "to make straight," from → com- + linea, → line. From ham- "together, with," → com- + râstâ, → direction, + -idan infinitive suffix, kardan "to do," → work. |
collimated hamrâstâ Fr.: collimaté Made accurately parallel or brought into line. Past participle of → collimate. |
collimated beam tâbe-ye hamrâstâ Fr.: faisceau collimaté A → beam of → photons or → subatomic particles with a narrow → cross section that has little or no spatial spread. → collimated; → beam. |
collimated jet šân-e hamrâstâ Fr.: jet collimaté A beam of particles in which every particle would have exactly the same direction of travel, thereby the jet moves without → dispersion. Collimated jets of → plasma are associated with → protostars. → collimated; → jet. |