compasses pargâr (#) Fr.: compas An instrument that consists of two arms, joined at the top, one arm of which serves as a stationary reference point or pivot, while the other describes a circle or is extended. It is used for measuring angles, transferring lengths, and drawing circumferences. Also pair of compasses. → compass. Pargâr "a pair of compasses," from Proto-Ir. *pari-kar- "to draw around, to plough around," from *pari- "around, round about" (Mod.Pers. par-, pirâ-, cognate with Gk. peri-), → circum-, + *kar-, karš- "to draw (a furrow), till, plant" (Mod.Pers. kašidan "to draw," kâštan, kâridan "to plant"); Lori, Hamadâni kerr "line, scratch;" Laki keronen, Hamadâni kerândan "to pull along, drag;" Tâleši kernye; Tabari kərəš "to drag;" cf. Av. pairikara- "a furrow round about," Skt. parikara- "girdle, waist-band, zone." |