contract terengidan Fr.: se contracter, contracter 1) To become smaller, shorter, tighter, as a metal when cooled. From M.E., from O.F., from L. contractus, p.p. of contrahere "to draw together," from → com- "together" + trahere "to draw." Terengidan, variant taranjidan [Dehxodâ] "to contract, become rough and hard, to be squeezed, compressed," Borujerdi terengessa "cramped, tightly dressed," Malâyeri terengidan "to be tightly dressed, cramped in a garment," related to tarang "horse girth, a strap for fastening a load," Proto-Iranian *trng- "to pull tight, squeeze, compress;" PIE base *strenk- "to pull tight, twist; tight, narrow" (cf. L. stringere "to bind or draw tight;" Gk. strangein "to twist;" Lith. stregti "to congeal;" O.E. streccian "to stretch," streng "string;" Ger. stramm, Du. stram "stiff"). |
contraction terengeš Fr.: contraction An act or instance of contracting; the quality or state of being contracted. Verbal noun of → contract. |
gravitational contraction terengeš-e gerâneši Fr.: contraction gravitationnelle Decrease in the volume of an astronomical object under the action of a dominant, central gravitational force. → gravitational; → contraction. |
Kelvin-Helmholtz contraction terengeš-e Kelvin-Helmholtz Fr.: contraction de Kelvin-Helmholtz The contraction of a volume of gas under its → gravity, accompanied by the → radiation of the lost → potential energy as → heat. After the Scottish physicist William Thomson, also known as Lord Kelvin (1824-1907) and the German physicist and physician Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz (1821-1894), who made important contributions to the thermodynamics of gaseous systems; → contraction. |
length contraction terengeš-e derâzâ Fr.: contraction de longueur Same as → Lorentz contraction. → length; → contraction. |
Lorentz contraction terengeš-e Lorentz Fr.: contraction de Lorentz The decrease in the length of a body moving in the direction of its length as measured by an observer situated in that direction. The shortening factor is [1 - (v/c)2]1/2, where v is the relative velocity and c light speed. → Lorentz; → contraction. |
tensor contraction terengeš-e tânsor Fr.: contraction de tenseur An operation of tensor algebra that is obtained by setting unlike indices equal and summing according to a summation convention. → contraction; → tensor. |
vena contracta šâre-gozar-e terengidé Fr.: veine contractée The location in a → fluid stream where the → cross section of the → stream is at a minimum, and fluid velocity is the highest, such as in the case of a → jet issuing out of a → nozzle. L. vena "channel;" contracta, "contracted," → contract. Šâre-gozar "fluid passage," → fluid; → passage, terengidé, → contracted. |