country 1) kešvar (#); 2) rustâ (#) Fr.: pays 1) A nation or state; the territory of a nation or state. M.E. contre, contree, from O.Fr. contree, from V.L. (terra) contrata "(land) lying opposite," or "(land) spread before)," derived from L. contra "against, opposite," → contra-. 1) Kešvar "country; clime;" Mid.Pers. kišwar
"region, clime, continent;" Av. karšvar-, from
karš- "to furrow," karšu- "tilled ground." |
countryside rustâ (#) Fr.: campagne A rural area; he inhabitants of a countryside. Rustâ, from Mid.Pers. rôstâk, rôtastâk "village, district, river-bed;" loaned into Armenian rotstak, ərotastak "district." |