decay product farâvarde-ye tabâhi Fr.: produit de désintégration A → stable nuclide or → radioactive nuclide formed by the → disintegration of a → radioactive isotope, either directly or as a result of a → decay chain. Also called → daughter product. For example, the decay product of 238U is 206Pb, after passing through the following chain: 238U → 234Th (4.5 billion yr) → 234Pa (24 days) → 234U (1 min) → 230Th (245,000 yr) → 226Ra (76,000 yr) → 222Rn (1,600 yr) → 218Po (3.8 d) → 214Pb (3 m) → 214Bi (27 m) → 214Po (160 microseconds) → 210Pb (22 yr) → 210Bi (5 d) → 210Po (138 d) → 206Pb. |