codeclination hamvâkileš Fr.: codéclinaison The complement of → declination; the angular distance along a great circle from the celestial pole, i.e., 90° - declination. Codeclination, from → co- + → declination. Hamvâkil, from ham-, → co-, + vâkil, → declination. |
declination vâkileš Fr.: déclinaison 1) Angular distance (symbol δ) from the celestial equator. One of the coordinates,
with → right ascension, that defines
the position of a heavenly body in the equator system. Declination is measured positively
(+) north or negatively (-) south of the celestial equator from 0° to
90°. |
declination axis âse-ye vâkileš Fr.: axe de déclinaison The axis to which the telescope tube is fastened in an → equatorial mounting. → declination; → axis. |
declination circle parhun-e vâkileš, dâyeré-ye ~ Fr.: cercle de déclinaison For a telescope with an → equatorial mounting, a graduated circle attached to the → declination axis that shows the → declination to which the telescope is pointing. → declination; → circle. |
magnetic declination vâkileš-e meqnâtisi Fr.: déclinaison magnétique In terrestrial magnetism, the difference between → true north (the axis around which the earth rotates) and magnetic north (the direction the needle of a compass will point,→ magnetic pole). → magnetic; → declination. |