deity 1) izad (#); 2) izadgân Fr.: 1) dieu, déesse; 2) divinité 1) A god or goddess. M.E. deite, from O.Fr., from L.L. deitat- (nominative deitas), from L. dei- (combining form of deus "god") + -tat- "-ty," formed after L. divinitas "divinity." Izad "god;" from Mid.Pers. yazêt "god; angel," izišn "performance of the religious rites, worship," yašt "worship, religious ceremony," yaštan "to venerate, to perform the religious ceremony;" O.Pers. yad- "to worship;" Av. yaz- "to sacrifice, worship, venerate," yazata- "deities," yasna- "religious rite" (Mod.Pers. jašn "feast"); Proto-Ir. *iaz- "to sacrifice, worship, venerate." |