depression 1) našib-e ofoq; 2) forubâr; 3) Fr.: dépression 1) Navigation:→ dip. Depression, verbal noun of depress, from O.Fr. depresser, from L.L. depressare, frequentative of pressus, p.p. of deprimere "press down," from → de- "down" + premere "to press." 1) Našib-e ofoq, from našib "declivity, descent; lowness of ground, slope of any place" (Mid.Pers. nišēp "declivity, (astrology) dejection," Av. *nixšvaēpā-, xšvaēpā- "bottom, rear") + ofoq→ horizon. 2) Forubâr, from foru "down, downward; below; beneath," → de- + bâr "load, pressure, charge," → charge. 3) Našiblâx, from našib, as above, in item 1, + -lâx place suffix. |
solar depression nešib-e xoršid Fr.: dépression solaire The → angle between the → sea horizon, the → center of → Earth, and the center of the → solar disk. → solar; → depression. |
Wilson depression našib-e Wilson Fr.: dépression de Wilson The depression on the → Sun's → photosphere associated with → sunspots and involving the → Wilson effect. The measured depression values vary between about 700 and 2,000 km. → Wilson effect; → depression. |