duodecennial davâzdahsâli (#) Fr.: duodécennal Consisting of twelve → years. From L. duodecennium, from duodecim "tweleve," from duo, → two, + decem, → ten, + annus "year," → annual. Davâzdahsâli, from davâzdah "twelve," from do, → two, + dah, → ten + sâl, → year. |
duodecennial animal calendar gâhšomâr-e davâzdahsâli-ye janevari (#) Fr.: calendrier duodécennal A → lunisolar calendar in which the years are named after each of the following twelve animals: rat, ox, tiger, hare, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, cock, dog, pig. An animal presides over one year in the twelve-year cycle, which is then repeated. The calendar was/is mainly used by central Asian cultures (Khotanese, Sogdians, Buddhists, Kucheans, Mongols, and Chinese). It was also used in Iran after the Mongol invasion in the thirteenth century. → duodecennial; → animal; → calendar. |