Einstein's theory of specific heat negare-ye garmâ-ye âbize-ye Einstein Fr.: théorie de la chaleur spécifique d'Einstein Same as → Einstein model. → Einstein; → theory; → specific heat. |
Einstein-de Sitter effect oskar-e Einstein-de Sitter Fr.: effet Einstein-de Sitter Same as → geodetic precession. |
Einstein-de Sitter Universe giti-ye Einstein-de Sitter Fr.: Univers Einstein-de Sitter The → Friedmann-Lemaitre model of → expanding Universe that only contains matter and in which space is → Euclidean (ΩM > 0, ΩR = 0, ΩΛ = 0, k = 0). The Universe will expand at a decreasing rate for ever. → Einstein; de Sitter, after the Dutch mathematician and physicist Willem de Sitter (1872-1934) who worked out the model in 1917; → Universe. |
Einstein-Hilbert action žireš-e Einstein-Hilbert Fr.: action de Einstein-Hilbert In → general relativity, the → action
that yields → Einstein's field equations.
It is expressed by: → Einstein; → Hilbert space; → action. |
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox pârâdaxš-e Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Fr.: paradoxe Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen → EPR paradox. A. Einstein, B. Podolsky, N. Rosen: "Can quantum-mechanical description of physical reality be considered complete?" Phys. Rev. 41, 777 (15 May 1935); → paradox. |
Einstein-Rosen bridge pol-e Einstein-Rosen Fr.: pont d'Einstein-Rosen A hypothetical structure that can join two distant regions of → space-time through a tunnel-like shortcut, as predicted by → general relativity. The Einstein-Rosen bridge is based on the → Schwarzschild solution of → Einstein's field equations. It is the simplest type of → wormholes. Albert Einstein & Nathan Rosen (1935, Phys.Rev. 48, 73); → bridge. |
Einsteinian relativity bâzânigi-ye Einsteini Fr.: relativité einsteinienne The laws of physics are the same in all → inertial reference frames and are invariant under the → Lorentz transformation. The → speed of light is a → physical constant, i.e. it is the same for all observers in uniform motion. Einsteinian relativity is prompted by the → Newton-Maxwell incompatibility. See also: → Galilean relativity, → Newtonian relativity. → Einstein; → relativity. |
einsteinium einsteinium (#) Fr.: einsteinium A radioactive metallic → transuranium element belonging to the → actinides; symbol Es. → Atomic number 99, → mass number of most stable → isotope 254 (→ half-life 270 days). Eleven isotopes are known. The element was first identified by A. Ghiorso and collaborators in the debris of first hydrogen bomb explosion in 1952. |