embedded star setâre-ye forupušidé Fr.: étoile enfouie A newborn star which is tightly enveloped by a surrounding cloud of gas and dust. Ebedded p.p. of embed, from en- + bed from O.E. bed "bed," from P.Gmc. *badjam "sleeping place dug in the ground" (O.H.G. betti; Ger. bett); PIE base *bhedh- "to dig, pierce;" cf. Gk. bothyros "pit;" L. fodere "to dig," fossa "ditch;" → star. Setâré, → star; forupušidé, p.p. of forupušidan, from foru- "below; beneath; down, downwards;" Mid.Pers. frôt "down, downwards;" O.Pers. fravata "forward, downward;" Skt. pravát- "a sloping path, the slope of a mountain" + pušidan "to cover, conceal, clothe; to wear clothes;" Mid.Pers. pôšidan, pôš- "to cover, put on, wear;" cf. Mid.Pers. pôst; Mod.Pers. pust "skin, hide;" O.Pers. pavastā- "thin clay envelope used to protect unbaked clay tablets;" Skt. pavásta- "cover;" Proto-Indo-Iranian *pauastā- "cloth." |