deformation vâdis, vâdiseš, vâdisâneš Fr.: déformation Altering in the size or shape of a body. See also → deformable. Verbal noun of → deform. |
elastic deformation vâdiseš-e kešâyand Fr.: déformation élastique A deformation of a → solid body in which the change (→ strain) in the relative position of points in the body disappears when the deforming stress is removed. See also → elastic limit. → elastic; → deformation. |
formal diseyi, disevar Fr.: formel 1) According to, or following established or prescribed forms, conventions, etc. M.E. formal, formel, from L. formalis, from → form + → -al. Diseyi, desevar, from dis, → form, + adj. suffixes -i and -var. |
formal language zabân-e disevar Fr.: langage formel A language designed for use in situations in which natural language is unsuitable, as for example in → mathematics, → logic, or → computer → programming. The symbols and formulas of such languages stand in precisely specified syntactic and semantic relations to one another ( |
formal logic guyik-e diseyi, ~ disevar Fr.: logique formelle The traditional or → classical logic in which the → validity or → invalidity of a conclusion is deduced from two or more statements (→ premises). Based on Aristotle's (384-322 BC) theory of → syllogism, systematized in his book "Organon," its focus is not on what is stated (the content) but on the structure (form) of the → argument and the validity of the inference drawn from the premises of the argument; if the premises are true then the logical consequence must also be true. Formal logic is → bivalent, that is it recognizes only two → truth values: → true and → false. The basic principles of formal logic are: 1) → principle of identity, 2) → principle of excluded middle, and 3) → principle of non-contradiction. See also → symbolic logic, → fuzzy logic. |
formal system râžmân-e diseyi, ~ disevar Fr.: système formel In logic and mathematics, a system in which statements can be constructed and manipulated with logical rules. |
formaldehyde (H2CO) formâldehid Fr.: formaldehyde A colorless gas with a pungent, suffocating odor used as an adhering component of
glues in many wood products. Formaldehyde (H2CO)
is obtained most commonly by the oxidation of methanol or petroleum gases such as
methane, ethane, etc. From form(ic) acid, from Fr. formique, + → aldehyde. |
formalism disegerâyi Fr.: formalisme 1) Excessive adherence to prescribed forms. |
formality disevari Fr.: formalité 1) Condition or quality of being formal; accordance with required or
traditional rules, procedures, etc. |
formalization disevareš Fr.: formalisation 1) The act of giving something a form or structure by introducing rules
and procedures. |
formalize disevar kardan, disevaridan Fr.: formaliser 1) To state in symbolic form; to give a definite structure to. Compound verb, from disevar, → formal, + kardan "to do, to make;" Mid.Pers. kardan; O.Pers./Av. kar- "to do, make, build;" Av. kərənaoiti "he makes;" cf. Skt. kr- "to do, to make," krnoti "he makes, he does," karoti "he makes, he does," karma "act, deed;" PIE base kwer- "to do, to make." |
format 1) disâr; 2) disâridan Fr.: 1) format; 2) formater 1) General: The way in which something is presented, organized, or
arranged. From Fr. format, from Mod.L. liber formatus "a book formed" (in such and such a way), referring to shape, size; from formatus p.p. of formare "to form," → form. 1) Disâr, from dis, → form + -âr contraction of
âvar agent noun of
âvardan "to bring; to cause, produce"
(Mid.Pers. âwurtan, âvaritan; Av. ābar- "to bring; to possess,"
from prefix ā- + Av./O.Pers. bar- "to bear, carry,"
bareθre "to bear (infinitive)," bareθri
"a female that bears (children), a mother;" Mod.Pers. bordan "to carry;"
Skt. bharati "he carries;" Gk. pherein; L. fero "to carry"). |
formation diseš Fr.: formation 1) The act or process of forming or the state of being formed, such as
→ star formation. Verbal noun of → form, + -ate + -ion. Diseš, verbal noun of disidan, → from dis-, → form, + -eš. |
formatting disâreš Fr.: formatage The process of preparing a hard disk or other storage medium for use by an operating system. Before a hard disk can be used, it needs to be formatted so that it will be able to store files and applications. |
galaxy formation diseš-e kahkešân Fr.: formation de galaxies The study dealing with the processes that gave rise to galaxies in a remarkably → early Universe. See also → structure formation, → protogalaxy |
Galilean transformation tarâdis-e Gâlile-yi (#) Fr.: transformation galiléenne The method of relating a measurement in one → reference frame to another moving with a constant velocity with respect to the first within the → Newtonian mechanics. The Galilean transformation between the coordinate systems (x,y,z,t) and (x',y',z',t') is expressed by the relations: x' = x - vt, y' = y, z' = z. Galilean transformations break down at high velocities and for electromagnetic phenomena and is superseded by the → Lorentz transformations. → Galilean; → transformation. |
gauge transformation tarâdis-e gaz (#) Fr.: transformation de jauge A change of the fields of a gauge theory that does not change the value of any measurable quantity. → gauge; → transformation. |
grain formation diseš-e dâné Fr.: formation des grains The process by which dust grains are assembled or produced. |
Hamiltonian formalism disegerâyi-ye Hamilton Fr.: formalisme de Hamilton A reformulation of classical mechanics that predicts the same outcomes as classical mechanics. → Hamiltonian dynamics. → Hamiltonian; → mechanics. |
hierarchical structure formation diseš-e sâxtâr-e pâygâni Fr.: formation de structures hiérarchiques A cosmological → structure formation model in which the smallest gravitationally bound structures (→ quasars and galaxies) form first, followed by → groups, → galaxy clusters, and → superclusters of galaxies. → hierarchical; → structure; → formation. |