bias frame nurdâd barây-e varak Fr.: pose pour biais CCD frame with exposure time set to zero and giving the bias level. |
CCD frame tak-tasvir-e sisidi Fr.: image CCD One of a series of astronomical images obtained using a CCD detector in particular for calibration purposes. |
comoving frame cârcub-e hamjonb Fr.: rérérentiel comobile A → reference frame that is attached to a moving object. The object in this frame is therefore at rest. |
frame 1) cârcub (#); 2), 3) tasvirak Fr.: 1) cadre; 2), 3) image 1) A border or case for enclosing a picture, mirror, etc.; a structure for admitting or
enclosing something. Frame, from M.E. verb framen "to prepare (timber)," from O.E. framian "to avail, profit."; cf. O.H.G. (gi)framon "to do." 1) Cârcub "frame," from câr, contraction of cahâr "four" (→ four) + cub "stick, satff, beam," Mid.Pers. côp "wood, stick." 2) Tasvirak from Ar. tasvir "image" + -ak suffix of relation and similarity (as in poštak, dastak, nâxonak), → fibril. |
frame dragging kerre-ye cârcub, cârcub-kerré Fr.: entraînement des repères, effet Lense-Thirring The alteration in the → free fall motion of a test → mass in the presence of a massive → rotating object, as compared to the identical case of a non-rotating object. This dragging of → inertial frames is predicted by → general relativity. Also called → Lense-Thirring effect. |
frame frequency basâmad-e tasvir Fr.: fréquence image The number of times per second that the frame is scanned in television. Also known as picture frequency. |
frame of reference câcub-e bâzbord Fr.: système de référence A set of axes to which positions and motions in a system can be referred. |
Galilean reference frame cârcub-e bâzbord-e Gâlile-yi Fr.: référentiel galiléen Same as → inertial reference frame. |
inertial frame cârcub-e laxtinâk, ~ laxtimand Fr.: référentiel galiléen |
inertial reference frame cârcub-e bâzbord-e laxtinâk, ~ ~ laxtimand Fr.: référentiel galiléen A → reference frame or coordinate system in which there are no accelerations, only zero or uniform motion in a straight line. According to the special theory of relativity, it is impossible to distinguish between such frames by means of any internal measurement. |
local inertial frame cârcub-e laxtnâk-e mahali, ~ laxtimand-e ~ Fr.: référentiel inertiel local A coordinate system or frame of reference defined in the vicinity of the Earth in which Newton's first law of motion is valid; that is, a non-rotating and non-accelerating reference frame. |
moving frame cârcub-e darjonbeš Fr.: référentiel en mouvement A → frame of reference that moves relative to the observer. The moving frame may be → inertial or → non-inertial. See also → rest frame. |
non-inertial frame cârcub-e nâlaxtinâk, ~ nâlaxtimand Fr.: référentiel non inertiel, ~ non galiléen Any frame of reference in which the law of inertia does not apply, such as in accelerating and rotating frames. For example, the Earth is a non-inertial frame because it is rotating about its axis. But the rotation is so slow that the associated acceleration is negligible compared to other accelerations commonly encountered in everyday life. However, the non-inertial nature of the Earth appears in, e.g., the → Coriolis effect. → inertial reference frame. |
reference frame cârcub-e bâzbord Fr.: système de référence A set of axes to which positions and motions in a system can be referred. Same as → frame of reference. |
rest frame cârcub-e âram Fr.: référentiel au repos, repère ~ The → frame of reference with respect to which an object or observer is at rest. A clock in that particular rest frame registers what is by definition → proper time. See also → moving frame. |