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biotics zistik Fr.: biotique The science concerned with the functions of life, or vital activity and force. From biotic, from Gk. biotikos "of or pertaining to life," from → bio- + -tic a suffix equivalent in meaning to → -ic. |
Bose-Einstein statistics âmâr-e Bose-Einstein (#) Fr.: statistique de Bose-Einstein Same as → Bose-Einstein distribution. → boson; → Einstein; → statistics. |
catoptrics bâztâbik Fr.: catroptique The area of → optics which treats of the laws and properties of light reflected from reflective surfaces. From Gk. katoptrikos, from katoptron "mirror" (from kat-, → cata-, + op- "to see," → optics, + -tron suffix of instruments) + -ikos, → -ics. Bâztâbik, from bâztâb, → reflection, + -ik, → -ics. |
celestial mechanics mekânik-e âsmâni (#) Fr.: mécanique céleste The branch of astronomy that deals with the calculation of motions of celestial bodies under the action of their mutual gravitational attractions. |
chromodynamics rangtavânik Fr.: chromodynamique A → quantum field theory of the → interaction of → quarks possessing a distinctive property called → color, in which the quarks exchange → gluons in a manner that is analogous to the interaction of → charged particles in → electrodynamics. |
classical mechanics mekânik kelâsik (#) Fr.: mécanique classique The branch of physical science which deals with the motions of bodies travelling at velocities that are very much less than that of light in a vacuum. Same as → Newtonian mechanics. |
classical physics fizik-e kelâsik (#) Fr.: physique classique Physics not taking into account → quantum mechanics or Einstein's → relativity theory. Classical physics includes the branches developed before the beginning of the 20th cantury: Mechanics, Acoustics, Optics, Thermodynamics, and Electricity and Magnetism. Most of classical physics is concerned with matter and energy on the normal scale of observation. |
coherent optics nurik-e hamdus Fr.: optique cohérente A branch of optics that uses coherent radiation to produce holographic three-dimensional images of objects. |
combinatorics miyâzešik Fr.: combinatoire A branch of mathematics dealing with the → combination and → permutation of sets of elements and mathematical relations that characterize their properties. From combinator(ial) (from combinatorial analysis), + → -ics. Miyâzešik, from miyâzeš, → combination, + -k, → -ics. |
cryogenics zamzâyik (#), zamzâyi (#) Fr.: cryogénie A branch of physics that studies the methods of producing very low temperatures (below 150 °C) and the behavior of materials and processes at those temperatures. From cryo- "freezing" + -gen(y) "having to do with production" +
-ics. Zamâzâyik, from zam "cold (weather)" + zâyi "generating"
+ -ik. |
deterministic physics fizik-e âtarmbâvar Fr.: physique déterministe The classical representation of the laws of nature according to which a particular future state (B) will arise from a particular past one (A). In contrast to → quantum physics which deals with the probability for the transition from A to B. Deterministic, adj. of determinism; → physics. |
dynamics tavânik Fr.: dynamique The branch of → mechanics that explains how particles and systems move under the influence of forces. |
economics bumdâtik Fr.: économie The science that deals with description and analysis of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. From L. oeconomicus "well ordered," from Gk. oikonomikos "practiced in the management of a household or family," from oikonomia, from oiko- "house," → eco-, + -nomia "rule, law," → -nomy; + → -ics. |
electrodynamics barqâtavânik Fr.: électrodynamique The phenomena, science, and applications of moving electric charges, as contrasted with → electrostatics. More specifically, the branch of physics concerned with the → interaction of → electric currents with → magnetic fields and → electric fields or with other electric currents. |
electronics elektronik (#) Fr.: électronique The science dealing with the development and application of → devices and → systems involving the flow of → electrons in a → vacuum, in → gaseous media, and in → semiconductors (Dictionary.com). |
electrostatics barqistâyik Fr.: électrostatique The branch of → electricity dealing with the phenomena and properties of stationary → electric charges, as opposed to → electrodynamics. It involves the build-up of charge on the → surface of → objects due to → contact with other surfaces. |
energetics kâružik Fr.: énergétique The total energy relations and transformations of energy within a particular physical, chemical, or biological system. |
ergonomics varzdâtik Fr.: ergonomie The study of the relationship between people and their working environment, in particular its effect on a person's efficiency. Ergonomics is applied in designing equipment and office systems to maximize productivity by reducing discomfort and fatigue of people in their workplace. From Gk. ergon "work," → erg, + -nomics, → -nomy, → -ics. Varzdâtik, from varz "work, " cognate with Gk. ergon, → erg, + dâtik "law, rule," → -nomy. |
extreme adaptive optics nurik-e niyâveši-ye ostom Fr.: optique adaptative extrême An → adaptive optics system with high-contrast imaging and spectroscopic capabilities. Extreme adaptive optics systems enable the detection of faint objects (e.g., → exoplanets) close to bright sources that would otherwise overwhelm them. This is accomplished both by increasing the peak intensity of point-source images and by removing light scattered by the atmosphere and the telescope optics into the → seeing disk. |
Fermi-Dirac statistics âmâr-e Fermi-Dirac (#) Fr.: distribution Fermi-Dirac The statistical distribution of → fermions over the energy states for a system in → thermodynamic equilibrium. In other words, the probability that a given energy level be occupied by a fermion. → fermi, → Dirac function; → statistics. |
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