independent nâvâbasté (#) Fr.: indépendant Not dependent. |
independent events ruydâdhâ-ye nâvâbasté (#) Fr.: événements indépendants Statistics: Two events if the occurrence of one of them gives no → information about whether or not the other event will occur; these events have no influence on each other. → independent; → event. |
independent random variables vatandehâ-ye kâture-ye nâvâbasté Fr.: variables aléatoires indépendantes Statistics: Two random variables X and Y if and only if the value of X has no influence on the value of Y and vice versa. |
independent variable Fr.: variable indépendante Math.: A variable whose value determines the value of other variables. For example, x, in the expression y = f(x), is the independent variable. See also → dependent variable. → independent; → variable. |
linearly independent xattâné nâvâbasté Fr.: linéairement indépendant 1) A set of objects x1, x2, ..., xn
(→ vectors, → matrices,
→ polynomials, etc.) if it si not
→ linearly dependent. → linearly; → independent. |