inverse vârun (#) Fr.: inverse Opposite to or reversing something. From L. inversus, p.p. of invertere, → invert. Vârun "inverse, upside down," from vâ- "back, backward, again, re-," variant of bâz-, from Mid.Pers. abâz-, apâc-, O.Pers. apa- [pref.] "away, from;" Av. apa- [pref.] "away, from," apaš [adv.] "toward the back;" cf. Skt. ápāñc "situated behind." |
inverse axiom bondâšt-e vârun Fr.: axiome d'inverse A basic rule in → group theory stating that for any element a of a group there is an element a-1 such that a * a-1 = a-1 * a = e. |
inverse beta decay tabâhi-ye vârun-e β (#) Fr.: désintégration β inverse A collision of a proton with an electron that produces a neutron and an electron neutrino. See → beta decay. |
inverse bremsstrahlung legâm-tâbeš-e vârun Fr.: Bremsstrahlung inverse The absorption of a photon by an electron in a strong electric field. → bremsstrahlung. → inverse; → bremsstrahlung. |
inverse Compton effect oskar-e Compton-e vârun Fr.: effet Compton inverse A → scattering process by which fast-moving, energetic particles transfer energy to photons, decreasing the wavelength of the radiation. This is a particularly important effect in astrophysics and cosmology since it explains the → Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect. → inverse; → Compton effect. |
inverse P Cygni line profile farâpâl-e P Cygni-ye vârun Fr.: profil P Cygni inverse A line profile in which the emission is on the blue side of the absorption. It is usually interpreted as the redshift of the absorption component relative to emission lines, which necessitates infall of matter. |
inverse square law qânun-e tavân-e do-ye vârun, qânun-e câruš-e vârun Fr.: loi en carré inverse A force law that applies to the → gravitational and → electromagnetic forces in which the magnitude of the force decreases in proportion to the inverse of the square of the → distance. |
inverse Zeeman effect oskar-e Zeeman-e vârun Fr.: effet Zeeman inverse The → Zeeman effect obtained in absorption. The phenomenon is observed by sending white light through an absorbing vapor when the latter is subjected to a uniform magnetic field. The laws governing the inverse effect are similar to those for the direct effect. → inverse; → Zeeman effect. |
matrix inverse mâtris-e vârun Fr.: matrice inverse For a → square matrix whose → determinant is not zero, the unique matrix A-1 satisfying the relation AA-1 = A-1A = I, where I is the → identity matrix. |
multiplicative inverse vârun-e bastâyeši Fr.: inverse multiplicative The number which when used as a multiplier of another number (except 0) produces 1. For example (1/5) x 5 = 1; each of the numbers is the multiplicative inverse of the other. → multiplicative; → inverse. |