isotopic izotopi (#) Fr.: isotopique Of or relating to an → isotope. |
isotopic fractionation barxâneš-e izotopi Fr.: fractionnement isotopique Same as → isotope fractionation. → isotopic; → fractionation |
isotopic number adad-e izotopi Fr.: nombre isotopique The difference between the number of neutrons in an isotope and the number of protons. Neutron excess. |
isotopic ratio vâbar-e izotopi Fr.: rapport isotopique The relative abundances of two isotopes of a given chemical element, such as D/H (deuterium/hydrogen), (carbon) 12C/13C, and (uranium) 235U/238U. |
isotopic spin spin-e izotopi (#), izospin (#) Fr.: spin isotopique Same as → isospin. |