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theorist negare-pardâz Fr.: théoricien Same as → theoretician. From theor-, from → theory + -ist a suffix of nouns, often corresponding to verbs ending in -ize or nouns ending in -ism. → theoretician. |
time delay distance apest-e derang-e zamâni Fr.: A distance-like quantity derived from → gravitational lensing time delay. It is given by a combination of three angular diameter distances in a strong lens system: DΔt = (1 + zL)[DA(EL)DA(ES) / DA(LS)], where zL is the → redshift of the → gravitational lens, while DA(EL), DA(ES), and DA(LS) are the angular diameter distances from the Earth to the lens, from the Earth to the source, and from the lens to the source, respectively. As each of the distance is proportional to the inverse of H0, DΔt is proportional to 1/H0. |
transistor teranzistor (#) Fr.: transistor An active semiconductor device with a small low-powered solid-state electronic device consisting of a semiconductor and three or more electrodes, used as an amplifier and rectifier and frequently incorporated into integrated circuit chips. Although much smaller in size than a vacuum tube, it performs similar functions without requiring current to heat a cathode. From trans-, from → transfer + -istor, from → resistor; → resistance. |
TRAnsiting Planets and PlanetesImals Small Telescope (TRAPPIST) TRAPPIST Fr.: TRAPPIST A Belgian facility devoted to the detection and characterization of → exoplanets and to the study of → comets (→ transiting planet) and other → small solar system bodies. It consists of two 60 cm robotic telescopes located at the → European Southern Observatory, → La Silla, in Chile and at Oukaïmden Observatory in Marroco. → transit; → planet; → planetesimal; → small; → telescope. |
ultrarelativistic ultar-bazânigimand Fr.: ultrarelativiste Describing a system or situation for which the → Lorentz factor, γ, is much larger than 1. See also → subrelativistic. → ultra- + → relativistic |
ultrarelativistic gas gâz-e ultar-bazânigimand Fr.: gaz ultrarelativiste A gas composed of ultrarelativistic particles. → ultrarelativistic; → gas. |
velocity-distance relation bâzâneš-e tondâ-durâ Fr.: relation vitesse-distance The linear relation wherein all galaxies are moving away from one another, with velocities that are greater with increasing distance of the galaxy. Same as → Hubble's law. |
wavefront distortion cowlegi-ye pišân-e mowj Fr.: distortion de front d'onde The disruption of the spherical shape of a wavefront due to atmospheric turbulence which makes the adjacent points in the wavefront out of phase. → wavefront; → distortion. |
whistler sutzani Fr.: sifflement A whistling sound of descending pitch picked up by radio telescopes under certain circumstances. Whistlers are caused by radio waves from distant lightening flashes, which follow the lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field and are reflected back to Earth by the → ionosphere. From M.E. whistler,; O.E. hwistlere, from hwistlian "whistle." Sutzani "whistling," from |
wrist moc (#) Fr.: poignet 1) The carpus or lower part of the forearm where it joins the hand. M.E., O.E.; cognate with Ger. Rist "back of hand," O.Norse rist "instep;" akin to writhe. Moc "wrist," related to mošt "fist;" Mid.Pers. mušt, must "fist;" Av. mušti- "fist;" cf. Skt. musti-, Pali mutthi-, L. manus (?). |
X-ray persistent partow-e X paristandé Fr.: rayons X persistants An → X-ray source that does not display emission → outbursts, in contrast to → X-ray transients. → X-ray; → persistent. |
zenith distance durâ-ye sarsu, duri-ye ~ Fr.: distance zénithale The angular distance of a celestial body from the zenith. The zenith distance is 90° minus the body's altitude above the horizon (i.e. the complement of the altitude) and hence is also known as coaltitude. |
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