analogical ânâguyik Fr.: analogique Of, relating to, or based on analogy; expressing or implying analogy. |
anisotropic homogeneous cosmological model model-e keyhânšenâxti-ye hamgen o nâ-izogard Fr.: modèle cosmiologique homogène mais anisotrope A solution to Einstein's theory of → general relativity that is spatially homogeneous but allows for rotation and/or shear. See also → Bianchi cosmological model. → anisotropic; → homogeneous; → cosmological; → model. |
Bianchi cosmological model model-e keyhânšenâxti-ye Bianchi Fr.: modèle cosmologique de Bianchi A cosmological model based on the theory of → general relativity, which is homogeneous but → anisotropic. There are actually ten dinstinct Bianchi types, classified according to the particular kinds of symmetry they posses. Luigi Bianchi (1856-1928), Italian mathematician; → cosmological; → model. |
cosmological keyhânšenâxti, keyhânšenâsik Fr.: cosmologique Pertaining or relating to → cosmology. |
cosmological constant pâyâ-ye keyhânšenâsik, ~ keyhânšenâxti Fr.: constante cosmologique A term introduced by Einstein into his gravitational → field equations in order to allow a solution corresponding to a → static Universe. The cosmological constant is physically interpreted as due to the → vacuum energy of quantized fields. See also → dark energy. → cosmological; → constant. |
cosmological constant problem parâse-ye pâyâ-ye keyhânšenâxti Fr.: problème de la constante cosmologique The impressive discrepancy of about 120 orders of magnitude between the theoretical value of the → cosmological constant and its observed value. → Quantum field theory interprets the cosmological constant as the density of the → vacuum energy. This density can be derived from the maximum energy at which the theory is valid, i.e. the → Planck energy scale (1018 GeV). The theoretical vacuum → energy density is (1018 GeV)4 = (1027 eV)4 = 10112 erg cm-3. On the other hand, the observed vacuum energy density is estimated to be about (10-3 eV)4 = 10-8 erg cm-3. There is, therefore, a discrepancy of about 120 orders of magnitude. → cosmological; → constant; → problem. |
cosmological distance durâ-ye keyhânšenâsik, ~ keyhânšenâxti Fr.: distance cosmologique The distance to a remote galaxy based on its redshift assuming that the redshift is caused by the → Doppler effect and reflects the general expansion of the Universe. → cosmological; → distance . |
cosmological epoch zime-ye keyhânšenâxti Fr.: époque cosmologique → cosmological; → epoch. |
cosmological model model-e keyhânšenâsik, ~ keyhânšenâxti Fr.: modèle cosmologique A mathematical description of the Universe, based on observation, which tries to explain its current aspect, and to describe its evolution during time. → cosmological; → model. |
cosmological principle parvaz-e keyhânšenâsik, ~ keyhânšenâxti Fr.: principe cosmologique The → hypothesis that on → large scales the → Universe is → isotropic and → homogeneous, that is, it appears the same at all places and, from any one place, looks the same in all directions. See also → perfect cosmological principle. |
cosmological redshift sorxkib-e keyhânšenâsik, ~ keyhânšenâxti Fr.: décalage vers le rouge cosmologique, redshift ~ The → redshift of a remote object (galaxy, quasar, supenova) due to the expansion of the Universe. → cosmological; → redshift. |
current cosmological epoch zime-ye keyhânšenâxti-ye konuni Fr.: époque cosmologique actuelle The → Universe at the → redshift z = 0. → current; → cosmological; → epoch. |
logical guyik, gyuiki, guyikvâr Fr.: logique 1) According to or agreeing with the principles of logic. |
logical connective hâbandâr-e guyiki Fr.: connecteur logique A symbol that can be combined with one or more → sentences in order to form a new sentence. For example "and" (∧), "or" (∨) "not" (¬), "if-then" (→), and "iff" (⇔). → logical; → connective. |
logically equivalent guyikâné hamug-arz Fr.: logiquement équivalent Describing two → compound propositions → if and only if they have the same → truth table. → logical; → equivalent. |
meteorological observation napâheš-e havâšenâxti Fr.: observation météorologique Evaluation or measurement of one or more meteorological elements. Meteorological, of or pertaining to → meteorology; → observation. |
meteorological observatory nepâhešgâh-e havâšenâxti Fr.: observatoire météorologique A scientific establishment dedicated to making precise and detailed meteorological observations and to studying and forecasting atmospheric phenomena by means of special equipments. Meteorological, of or pertaining to → meteorology; → observatory. |
Milne cosmological model model-e keyhânšenâxti-ye Milne (#) Fr.: modèle cosmologique de Milne Same as → Milne Universe. → Milne Universe; → cosmological; → model. |
morphological rixtšenâxti (#) Fr.: morphologique Of or relating to → morphology. Same as morphological → morphologic; → -al. |
morphological classification radebandi-ye rixtšenâxti (#) Fr.: classification morphologique A classification scheme of galaxies based on their apparent shape. → Hubble classification. → morphological; → classification. |