meaning cemâr (#) Fr.: sens, signification The sense or significance of a word, sentence, symbol, etc. The study dealing with meanings is called → semantics. See also → semiotics. M.E., from mean; O.E. mænan "to mean, intend, signify" (cf. O.Fris. mena "to signify," O.S. menian "to intend, signify," M.Du. menen, Du. meenen, Ger. meinen "think, suppose"), related to Pers. maneš "disposition, temperament," mênidan "to think, consider," → idea; + → -ing. Cemâr, from cem or cim "meaning, signification;" Mid.Pers. cim "meaning, reason, cause;" ultimately from Proto-Ir. *cahmāt "wherefore?" cf. Skt. kasmāt "why, where from? whence?," kim "what? how? why?" + âr short form of âvar present stem of âvardan "to cause or produce; to bring," → production, as in bonâr, → cause, used also as a nuance suffix; see also the verb → mean. |