analytical mechanics mekânik-e ânâlasi Fr.: mécanique analytique A branch of → mechanics based on → variational principle that describes systems by their → Lagrangian or → Hamiltonian. Analytical mechanics provides a formalism that is different from that of Newton and does not use the concept of force. Among other things, analytical mechanics gives a more simple description of continuous and constrained systems. Moreover, its mathematical structure allows it an easier transition to quantum mechanical topics. → analytical; → mechanics. |
celestial mechanics mekânik-e âsmâni (#) Fr.: mécanique céleste The branch of astronomy that deals with the calculation of motions of celestial bodies under the action of their mutual gravitational attractions. |
classical mechanics mekânik kelâsik (#) Fr.: mécanique classique The branch of physical science which deals with the motions of bodies travelling at velocities that are very much less than that of light in a vacuum. Same as → Newtonian mechanics. |
fluid mechanics mekânik-e šârehâ Fr.: mécanique des fluides The branch of physics that extends the ideas developed in → mechanics and → thermodynamics to the study of motion and equilibrium of → fluids. |
mechanic sâzokârmand, sâzokârgar Fr.: mécanicien A person who repairs and maintains machinery, motors, etc. ( Same as → mechanician. → mechanics. |
mechanical sâzokârik, sâzokârvâr Fr.: mécanique 1) Of, connected with, produced by → mechanics. |
mechanical energy kâruž-e mekâniki Fr.: énergie mécanique The energy that is possessed by an object due to its motion or due to its position. It is equal to the sum of the → kinetic energy and → potential energy. → mechanical; → energy. |
mechanical equilibrium tarâzmandi-ye mekâniki Fr.: équilibre mécanique 1) The state of a → rigid body if, as viewed from an
→ inertial frame of rest: 1) the
→ linear acceleration of its
→ center of mass is zero, and 2) its
→ angular acceleration about any axis
fixed in this reference frame is zero. The center of mass may
be moving with constant velocity and the body may be rotating
about a fixed axis with constant angular velocity. → mechanical; → equilibrium. |
mechanical equivalent of heat ham-arz-e mekâniki-ye garmâ (#) Fr.: équivalent mécanique de chaleur Same as → Joule's constant. → mechanical; → equivalent; → heat. |
mechanical mixing âmizeš-e mekâniki Fr.: mélange mécanique Any → mixing process that utilizes the → kinetic energy of relative → fluid motion. → mechanical; → mixing. |
mechanical power tavân-e mekâniki (#) Fr.: puissance mécanique The → rate at which → work is done by a → force. In other words, → mechanical energy per unit time. Mechanical power is expressed in units of joules/sec (joules/s) or a watt (W) in the → mks system. → mechanical; → power. |
mechanical system râžmân-e mekâniki Fr.: système mécanique 1) Any system of elements that interact according to the laws of
→ mechanics (as distinguished from chemical,
electrical, thermal, etc.). → mechanical; → system. |
mechanical wind bâd-e mekâniki Fr.: vent mécanique A process in which matter is shed into a → Keplerian disk from a star rotating at the → critical velocity. The disk is probably destroyed by the pressure exerted by the stellar radiation and finally matter is lost. Such a process seems to occur around → Be stars which are stars rotating at or very near the critical limit (Meynet et al. 2007, arXiv:0709.2275). → mechanical; → wind. |
mechanically sâzokârikâné, sâzokârvârâné Fr.: mécaniquement 1) In a mechanical manner; by a mechanism. → mechanical; → -ly. |
mechanician sâzokârmand, sâzokârgar Fr.: mécanicien A person skilled in constructing, working, or repairing machines; mechanic; machinist ( From → mechanic + -ian. |
mechanics mekânik (#), sâzokârik Fr.: mécanique A branch of → physics that deals with motion and the → action of → forces on bodies. Mechanics may be divided into three areas, → kinematics, → dynamics, and → statics. From mechanic, from L. mechanicus, from Gk. mekhanikos "an engineer," also "inventive," literally "pertaining to machines" (adj.), from mekhane, → machine, + → -ics. Mekânik, loan from Fr. Sâzokârik, from sokâr, → mechanism, + -ik, → -ic. |
Newtonian mechanics mekânik-e Newtoni (#) Fr.: mécanique newtonienne A system of mechanics based on → Newton's law of gravitation and its derivatives. Same as → classical mechanics. |
non-relativistic mechanics mekânik-e nâ-bâzânigi-mand Fr.: mécanique non-relativiste Mechanics in which the masses under consideration move at speeds much slower than the speed of light. → non-relativistic; → mechanics. |
quantum mechanical system râžmân-e kuântom mekâniki Fr.: système mécanique quantique A → physical system that is specified by a → wave function. → quantum; → mechanical; → system. |
quantum mechanics kuântom mekânik, mekânik-e kuântomi Fr.: mécanique quantique A development of Newtonian mechanics based on the discrete character of energy (Planck 1900) and the wave motion of material particles (de Broglie 1924). It is relies on the consideration that energy state of a quantum mechanical system can be derived at a given instant by a function whose square of the modulus gives the probability distribution of the coordinates of the system. Quantum mechanics is essential for the treatment of all atomic processes. It holds also for ordinary large scale processes although in this case the deviations from Newtonian mechanics are negligible. |