interferometric andarzanešsanji, andarzanešsanjik Fr.: interférométrique Of or relating to → interferometry. → interferometer; → -ic. |
interferometric array ârast-e andarzanešsanji, ~ andarzanešsanjik Fr.: réseau interférométrique A system of several telescopes coupled together in a particular configuration to carry out → interferometry. → interferometric; → array. |
interferometric technique tašnik-e andarzanešsanji, ~ andarzanešsanjik Fr.: technique interférométrique An observational technique based on principles of → interferometry. → interferometric; → technique. |
metric 1), 2) metrik (#); 3) metri (#) Fr.: métrique 1) A mathematical → expression consisting of an
→ array of → components which are needed
for calculating → infinitesimally small
→ distances between two → points
in some geometrical → space.
More simply put, the → function
used to define a distance between two points in a
→ metric space.
Also called → distance function. |
metric prefix pišvand-e metri Fr.: préfixe du système international d'unités Any of the suffixes adopted by the International System of Units
(→ SI units). |
metric space fazâ-ye metrik Fr.: espace métrique An set of points such that the distance between every pair of points is defined
by a → distance function with
the following properties: 1) the distance from
the first point to the second equals zero if and only if the points
are the same, 2) the distance from the first point to the second
equals the distance from the second to the first, and 3) the sum of
the distance from the first point to the second and the distance from
the second point to a third exceeds or equals the distance from the
first to the third. |
metric system râšmân-e metri Fr.: système métrique A standard system of measurement using decimal units, in which the units of length, time, and mass are meter, second, and kilogram respectively. |
metric tensor tânsor-e metrik Fr.: tenseur métrique The abstract tensor operation which is computed in a particular → reference frame using the → metric components. The metric tensor defines magnitude and direction of vectors about a point. |
metric unit yekâ-ye metri (#) Fr.: unité métrique A physical → measurement unit in the → metric system. |
Minkowski metric metrik-e Minkofski (#) Fr.: métrique de Minkowski The → metric that belongs to a four-dimensional → flat manifold and is given by ds2 = - dt2 + dx2 + dy2 + dz2. Three coordinates represent → space and the fourth coordinate is devoted to → time. The Minkowski metric underlies the → geometry of → special relativity. Compare → Robertson-Walker metric. In honor of Hermann Minkowski (1864-1909), Russian-born German mathematician, who introduced the concept of the four-dimensional nature of space-time; → metric. |
parametric equation hamugeš-e pârâmuni Fr.: équation paramétrique Any of a set of equations that defines the coordinates of the dependent variables of a curve or surface in terms of one or more independent variables or parameters. → parametric; → equation. |
photometric šidsanji, šidsanjik, nursanji, nursanjik Fr.: photométrique Pertaining to or related to → photometry. → photometer + → -ic. |
photometric band bând-e šid-sanjik, ~ nur-sanjik Fr.: bande photométrique The range of → wavelengths allowed by a → filter used in a → photometric system. → photometric + → band. |
photometric binary dorin-e šidsanjik, ~ nursanjik Fr.: binaire photométrique A binary star whose binarity is detectable from its variability and light-curve that has certain specific characteristics. → photometric + → binary. |
photometric calibration kabizeš-e šidsanjik, ~ nursanjik Fr.: calibration photométrique A calibration which converts the measured relative magnitudes into an absolute photometry. → photometric + → calibration. |
photometric parallax didgašt-e šidsanjik Fr.: parallaxe photométrique A method of deriving the distance of a star using its → apparent magnitude and the → absolute magnitude inferred from its → spectral type. This is a misnomer, because the method has nothing to do with parallax; → photometric; → parallax. |
photometric system râžmân-e šidsanjik, ~ nursanjik Fr.: système photométrique A system of → magnitudes, each of them characterized by a set of
well-defined → passbands
(or → filters) with known
→ response curves. The system is defined by the values given for
the → standard stars.
See also: → photometric; → system. |
polarimetric qotbešsanji, qotbešsanjik Fr.: polarimétrique Of or relating to → polarimetry. → polarimetry; → -ic. |
radiometric dating senn yâbi-ye tâbeš-sanjik, ~ tâbeš-sanji Fr.: datation radiométrique A dating method that uses measurements of certain radioactive isotopes to calculate the ages in years (absolute age) of rocks and minerals. → radiometer; → dating. |
Riemannian metric metrik-e Riemanni Fr.: métrique riemannienne A positive-definite inner product, (.,.)x, on Tx(M), the tangent space to a manifold M at x, for each x ∈ M, which varies continually with x (Douglas N. Clark, Dictionary of Analysis, Calculus, and Differential Equations). → Riemannian; → metric. |