induced emission gosil-e darhâxté, ~ darhâzidé Fr.: émission induite The emission of radiation from an atom when it is bombarded by photons. The induced radiation has the same wavelength and direction as the bombarding radiation. Same as → stimulated emission. |
infrared emission gosil-e forusorx Fr.: émission infrarouge The portion of → electromagnetic radiation from → astrophysical objects in → infrared frequencies. |
InSight Mission gosilân-e InSight Fr.: InSight: Exploration interne par les sondages sismiques,
la géodésie et les flux thermiques A NASA lander designed to study the interior of the planet Mars. It will be a stationary mission, in contrast to NASA's famous Opportunity, Spirit and Curiosity rovers. Staying in place is necessary for its major science goals, which include learning more about the Martian composition, and how tectonically active the red planet is. InSight launched toward Mars on May 5, 2018, landed on Nov. 26, 2018, at the Martian Elysium Planitia, an equatorial zone just south of an ancient volcanic area. InSight will send back data about Mars' interior for about 1 Mars year, or 728 Earth-days. The lander uses sophisticated instruments, to delve deep beneath the surface and seek the fingerprints of the processes that formed the terrestrial planets. It does so by carrying out → seismology, heat flow measurements, and precision tracking. InSight, short for Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport; → mission. |
K2 mission gosilân-e K2 Fr.: mission K2 A follow-up mission of the → Kepler satellite funded by → NASA. K2 provides an opportunity to continue Kepler's observations in the field of → exoplanets and expand its role into new astrophysical observations by assigning to Kepler new mission. K, short for → Kepler spacecraft; 2, for second → mission. |
low-ionization nuclear emission-line region nâhiye-ye hasteyi bâ xatt-e gosili-ye kamyoneš (#) Fr.: Noyau de galaxie à raies d'émission de faible ionisation Same as → LINER. → low; → ionization; → nuclear; → emission; → line; → region. |
maser emission gosil-e meyzeri (#) Fr.: émission maser An emission arising from the → maser process. |
mission gosilân Fr.: mission An operation designed to carry out the goals of a specific program, such as a a space flight or voyage. Mission, from L. missionem (nominative missio) "act of sending," from mittere "to send," of unknown origin. Gosilân, from gosil, variant gosi "sending away, dismission;" Mid.Pers. wisé "to despatch" (Parthian Mid.Pers. wsys- "to despatch;" Buddhist Mid.Pers. wsydy "to despatch;" Sogdian 'ns'yd- "to exhort"), from Proto-Iranian *vi-sid- "to despatch, send off," from prefix vi- "apart, away, out," + *sid- "to call" + -ân nuance suffix. |
molecular emission gosil-e molekuli Fr.: émission moléculaire An → electromagnetic radiation emitted by → interstellar molecules through → transitions between → energy states of → molecules. |
neutron emission gosil-e notron (#) Fr.: émission de neutrons A type of radioactive decay of atoms containing excess neutrons, in which a neutron is ejected from the nucleus. |
non-thermal emission gosil- nâgarmâyi (#) Fr.: émission non thermique → non-thermal; → emission. |
permission parzâmeš Fr.: permission The act of permitting. Authorization granted to do something. |
radio continuum emission gosil-e peyvastâr-e râdio-yi Fr.: émission de continuum radio A → continuum emission with frequencies in the radio range of the electromagnetic spectrum. |
radio emission gosil-e râdio-yi Fr.: émission radio → Electromagnetic radiation carried by → radio waves. |
secondary emission gosil-e dovomân Fr.: émission secondaire The emission of → secondary electrons from the surface of a material when an incident particle (often, charged particle such as electron or ion) impacts the material with sufficient energy. |
space mission gosilân-e fazâyi Fr.: mission spatiale A manned or unmanned space flight outside the Earth's atmosphere. → space; mission, from L. missionem (nominative missio) "act of sending," from mittere "to send," of unknown origin. Gosilân, from gosil, variant gosi "sending away, dismission;" Mid.Pers. wisé "to despatch" (Parthian Mid.Pers. wsys- "to despatch;" Buddhist Mid.Pers. wsydy "to despatch;" Sogdian 'ns'yd- "to exhort"), from Proto-Iranian *vi-sid- "to despatch, send off," from prefix vi- "apart, away, out," + *sid- "to call" + -ân nuance suffix; fazâyi adj. of fazâ, → space. |
spontaneous emission gosil-e sarxod Fr.: émission spontanée The emission of electromagnetic radiation from an atom or molecule that does not depend on the presence of external fields. → spontaneous; → emission. |
stimulated emission gosil-e gavâzidé Fr.: émission stimulée The process by which an electron, which is already in an excited state (an upper energy level, in contrast to its lowest possible level or "ground state"), can "stimulate" a transition to a lower level, producing a second photon of the same energy. The quantum energy of the incoming photon should be equal to the energy difference between its present level and the lower level. This process forms the basis of both the → laser and → maser. Same as → induced emission. |
submission dar-sepord Fr.: soumission An act or instance of submitting. The condition of having submitted. → submit Verbal noun of → submit. |
thermal emission gosil-e garmâyi (#) Fr.: émission thermique |
thermionic emission gosil-e garmâyoni Fr.: émission thermionique Electrons gaining enough thermal energy to escape spontaneously from the cathode or dynodes and mimic photoelectrons. |