abnormal bihanjâr (#) Fr.: anormal Not typical, usual, or regular; not normal; deviant. → anomalous, → anomaly. M.L. anormalis, blend of L.L. abnormis "deviating from a rule," from ab- "off, away from" + L. norma "rule." Bihanjâr, from Pers. bi- "without" + Pers. hanjâr "rule, habit, law, staright road." |
lognormal distribution vâbâžeš-e logâritmi-hanjârvar Fr.: distribution logarithmico-normale A → probability distribution in which the natural logarithm (logX) of the → random variable (X) has a → Gaussian distribution. → logarithm; → normal distribution. |
norm hanjâr (#) Fr.: norme General: A standard, model, or pattern regarded as typical. From Fr. norme, from O.Fr., from L. norma "carpenter's square, rule, pattern," of unknown origin. Hanjâr "a straight road; way, rule, law; habit, custom; conduct; a mason's rule, a plumb-line, a level;" Mid.Pers. hanjâr "right, correct;" from Proto-Iranian *ham-cara-, *han-cara- prefixed *cara- "to move, walk" (cf. Av. car- "to move, go, walk," carāni "I would go," carāt "he would go;" Mod.Pers. caridan "to graze," gozârdan "to explain," gozâreš "explanation"); cf. Skt. samcara- "passage, way, road, path; going about, moving," from prefix sam- + cara- "moving, going, walking;" Gk. pelomai "to move;" L. colere "to till, cultivate, inhabit." |
Norma Guniyâ (#) Fr.: Règle The Carpenter's Square. A small and inconspicuous southern constellation which lies between → Scorpius and → Centaurus. Its brightest star is only of magnitude 4.0. Abbreviation: Nor; genitive: Normae Initially Norma et Regula, L. translation of l'Équerre et la Règle "the Set Square and the Ruler," as named by Abbé Nicolas Louis de Lacaille (1713-1762). Guniyâ "carpenter's square," probably related to konj "angle, corner, confined place" (variants xong "corner, angle," Tabari kânj, Kurd. kunj, Hamadâni kom) and zânu "knee" (Av. žnu-), Skt. kona- "angle, corner," Gk. gonia "angle,", gony "knee," L. genu "knee," cuneus "a wedge," Albanian (Gheg dialect) kân "angle, corner," Albanian (Toks) kënd "angle, corner;" PIE base PIE base *g(e)neu-. |
normal 1) hanjârvar, hanjârmand; 2) hanjâr; Fr.: 1) normal; 2) normale 1) Conforming to the usual standard, type, custom; not abnormal; regular; natural. From L.L. normalis "standing at right angle, in conformity with rule," from L. normalis "made according to a carpenter's square," from norma "rule, pattern," literally "carpenter's square." Hanjârvar, hanjârmand, adjectives of hanjâr, → norm. |
normal dispersion pâšeš-e hanjârmand Fr.: dispersion normale The dispersion in which a shorter wavelength is associated with a higher → refractive index. Contrasted with the → anomalous dispersion. → normal; → dispersion. |
normal distribution vâbâžeš-e hanjârvar Fr.: distribution normale A theoretical frequency distribution for a set of variable data, usually represented by a bell-shaped curve with a mean at the center of the curve and tail widths proportional to the standard deviation of the data about the mean. Same as → Gaussian distribution. → normal; → distribution. |
normal state hâlat-e hanjârvar Fr.: état fondamental Of an atom, the same as → ground state. |
normality hanjârvari Fr.: normalité General: The fact or condition of being normal. |
normalization hanjârvareš Fr.: normalisation 1) A mathematical technique for adjusting a series of values (typically representing a set of
measurements) according to some transformation function in order to make
them comparable with some specific point of reference. Verbal noun of → normalize. |
normalize hanjârvaridan, hanjârvar kardan Fr.: normaliser To change in scale so that the sum of squares, or the integral of the square, of the transformed quantity is unity. |
normalized hanjârvaridé, hanjârver šodé Fr.: normalisé The quality of something that has undergone → normalization. P.p. of → normalize. |
normalized Hubble parameter pârâmun-e Hubble-e hanjârvaridé Fr.: paramètre Hubble normalisé A dimensionless parameter expressed by h(z) = H(z)/H0, where H(z) is the → Hubble parameter at → redshift z and H0 is the → Hubble constant. → normalized; → Hubble; → parameter. |
orthonormal vectors bordârhâ-ye ardâhanjârvar Fr.: vecteurs orthonormaux Two non-zero vectors that are → orthogonal and have magnitude 1. → orthogonal; → vector. |
renormalization bâzhanjârvareš Fr.: renormalisation A mathematical process used in quantum physics that avoids infinite terms by carefully defining fundamental quantities such as mass and charge. → re-; → normalization. |