bound occurrence roxdâd-e bandidé Fr.: occurrence liée Any → occurrence of a → variable x in an x-bound part of a → wff. → bound; → occurrence. |
free occurrence roxdâd-e âzâd Fr.: occurrence libre An → occurrence of a → variable in a → wff, → iff it is not a → bound occurrence. → bound; → occurrence. |
occur roxdâdan (#) Fr.: avoir lieu 1) To happen; take place; come to pass. M.Fr. occurrer "to happen unexpectedly" or directly from L. occurrere "run to meet, run against, present itself," from ob "against, toward" + currere "to run," → current. Roxdâdan, literally "to appear," from rox "appearance; aspect; face," variant ruy "face, surface" + dâdan "to give," → event. |
occurrence roxdâd (#) Fr.: événement 1) The action, fact, or instance of occurring. Verbal noun of → occur. |