An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



<< < "no abe acc act aff ama ani ant aps ast atm aut bar bic Boh bou cal car cel che cla col com com Com con con con con con con con con con con con con Cor cor cot cul de- dec dem des dif dil dir dis dom dyn Edd ele ele emi equ Eve exc exp fac fin for fre fuz gen Glo gra gra Ham hel hor hyd ign inc inf Inf int Int int ion irr jum Lag lea lig lin Lor Lyo mag mat met min Mon moo NaC neg New New non non non nul obs one opt Ori oxi par per per phl pho pla Pla pol pos pre pro pro pse qua rad rad rea rec reg rel res ret rot Ryd sci sec sec sep sim Soc son spe sta Ste Sto sub sup syn the Tho top tra Tro unc vec vio Was Wil Zhe > >>

Number of Results: 3106 Search : on
resonant reaction
  واژیرش ِ باز‌آوا   
vâžireš-e bâzâvâ

Fr.: réaction résonnante   

A nuclear reaction whose probability is enhanced at an energy corresponding to an energy level of one of the nuclei. → resonance capture.

Resonant, verbal adj. of → resonate; → reaction.

resonant relaxation
  واهلش ِ باز‌آوا   
vâheleš-e bâzâvâ

Fr.: relaxation résonnante   

A process whereby stellar orbit relaxation can be dramatically enhanced in orbits in a nearly Keplerian star cluster close to a → massive black hole (MBH). This process can modify the angular momentum distribution and affect the interaction rates of the stars with the MBH more efficiently than non-resonant relaxation. In the standard relaxation picture, each encounter is random and uncorrelated, so stars undergo a random walk. Relaxation is driven by the diffusion of energy which then leads to angular momentum transfer. However, in a stellar cluster around a MBH, each star will be on a Keplerian orbit, which is a fixed ellipse in space. The orbits of two nearby stars will thus exert correlated torques on one another, which can lead to a direct resonant evolution of the angular momentum. Since resonant relaxation increases the rate of angular momentum scattering, stars reach highly eccentric orbits more rapidly where they can become → extreme mass ratio inspiral (EMRI)s (Rauch, K.P., Tremaine, S., 1996, arXiv:astro-ph/9603018; Gair J.R. et al. 2013, Living Rev. Relativity, 16, (2013), 7, doi:10.12942/lrr-2013-7).

resonant; → relaxation.

resonant scattering
  پراکنش ِ باز‌آوا   
parâkaneš-e bâzâvâ

Fr.: diffusion résonante   

The absorption and prompt re-emission of photons of a particular wavelength by an atom. In this process, a photon of exactly the right wavelength (i.e. energy) excites an electron in the atom from one energy level to another. The electron then drops back down to its original energy level more or less immediately, emitting a photon of almost identical energy to the one that was absorbed in the first place, but in some random direction. Resonant scattering applies only to line radiation, unlike other forms of scattering which are of continuous radiation (Oxford Dictionary of Astronomy, 2 ed.).

resonant; → scattering.


Fr.: résonner   

To produce or exhibit mechanical, electrical, or chemical resonance, or cause a system to produce or exhibit resonance.

Verbal form of → resonance.


Fr.: résorption   

The absorption of a material by a medium or system after having been released from absorption by that same medium or system. → absorption; → desorption; → sorption.

Verbal noun of resorb, from L. resorbere, from → re- + sorbere "to swallow, suck up."

Bâzšam, from bâz "again, back," → re-, + šam, variant of zšâm, as in âšâm, âšâmidan "to drink, to sip;" Av. šam- "to drink, sip, swallow;" Skt. cam, camati "to sip, dirink, lick up, absorb."

pâsoxguyi (#)


The act of responding; response.

respond; → -ence.

Pâsoxguyi, noun from pâsoxgu, → respondet.

pâsoxgu (#)

Fr.: 1) qui répond; 2) défendeur   

1) A person who responds or makes reply.
2) Law: A defendant, especially in appellate and divorce proceedings (

Agent noun related to → respondence.

Pâsoxgu, from pâsox, → responce, + gu "speaker, teller," from goftan "to tell, speak, talk," → -logy.

pâsoxgu (#)

Fr.: répondeur   

The component of a radar system that returns the signals used to detect and locate objects.

Agent noun of respond, → response.

Pâsoxgu, from pâsox, → response, + gu agent noun and present stem of goftan "to say, speak, relate, tell; to compose a poem," from Mid.Pers. guftan "to say, tell, utter;" O.Pers. gaub- "to say."

pâsox (#)

Fr.: réponse   

Any → reaction of a → system to an external → stimulus. See also:
instrumental response function, → peripheral response, → response curve, → response time, → spectral response.

From L. responsum "answer," noun use of neuter p.p. of respondere "answer to, promise in return," from → re- "back" + spondere "to pledge."

Pâsox "answer, response;" Mid.Pers. pâssox "answer, reply;" loaned in Arm. patasxani "answer;" Proto-Iranian *pati-sanh-, from *pati- "agaist, back, opposite to, toward, face to face, in front of," → anti-, + *sanh- "to declare, say;" Mod.Pers. soxan "speech, utterance, word," → speech.

response curve
  خم ِ پاسخ   
xam-e pâsox

Fr.: courbe de réponse   

A curve graphically representing the magnitude of the → response of a → detector to → radiation, usually as a function of → wavelength.

response; → curve.

response time
  زمان ِ پاسخ   
zama-e pâsox

Fr.: temps de réponse   

The time between an occurrence and a reaction produced by the occurrence.

response; → time.


Fr.: responsabilité   

1) The state or fact of being responsible, answerable, or accountable for something within one's power, control, or management.
2) An instance of being responsible.
3) A person or thing for which one is responsible (

responsible; → -ity.


Fr.: responsable   

1) Answerable or accountable, as for something within one's power, control, or management.
2) Involving accountability or responsibility (

response; → -able.


Fr.: responsif, qui réagit bien   

1) Responding especially readily and sympathetically to appeals, efforts, influences, etc.
2) Physiology: Acting in response, as to some stimulus.
3) Characterized by the use of responses (

response; → -ive.


Fr.: responsivité   

A performance criterion for an electronic detector, the ratio of the detector's electrical output to its optical input.

responsive; → -ity.

  بازسازی، بازگردانش   
bâzsâzi (#), bâzgardâneš

Fr.: restauration   

The act or process of restoring such as → image restoration.

Verbal noun of → restore.


Fr.: restriction   

The act of restricting, the state or the condition of being restricted.

Verbal noun, → restrict + → -tion.

resultant acceleration
  شتاب ِ بر‌آیند   
šetâb-e barâyand (#)

Fr.: accélération résultante   

An acceleration that results from the vector addition of two or more distinct accelerations.

resultant; → acceleration.

dirkard (#)

Fr.: retard   

The act of retarding or state of being retarded. → retardation plate.

Verbal noun of → retard.

retardation plate
  تیغه‌ی ِ دیرکرد   
tiqe-ye dirkard

Fr.: lame à retard   

Same as → wave plate.

retardation; → plate.

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