An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



<< < "no abe acc act aff ama ani ant aps ast atm aut bar bic Boh bou cal car cel che cla col com com Com con con con con con con con con con con con con Cor cor cot cul de- dec dem des dif dil dir dis dom dyn Edd ele ele emi equ Eve exc exp fac fin for fre fuz gen Glo gra gra Ham hel hor hyd ign inc inf Inf int Int int ion irr jum Lag lea lig lin Lor Lyo mag mat met min Mon moo NaC neg New New non non non nul obs one opt Ori oxi par per per phl pho pla Pla pol pos pre pro pro pse qua rad rad rea rec reg rel res ret rot Ryd sci sec sec sep sim Soc son spe sta Ste Sto sub sup syn the Tho top tra Tro unc vec vio Was Wil Zhe > >>

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Fr.: confirmer   

1) To support or establish the certainty or validity of; verify.

2) To establish the truth, accuracy, validity, or genuineness of.

L. confirmare "make firm, establish," from → com- intensive prefix + firmare "to strengthen," from firmus, → firm.

Âdešidan, from prefix a- + deš "→ firm" + infinitive suffix -idan.


Fr.: confirmation   

The act of confirming or the state of being confirmed.

Verbal noun from → confirm.

kešmakeš (#)

Fr.: conflit   

1) A serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.
2) A serious incompatibility between two or more opinions, principles, or interests (Oxford.Dictionaries).

M.E., from O.Fr. conflit and directly from L. conflictus, p.p. of confligere "to strike together, be in conflict," from → com- "together" + fligere "to strike."

Kešmakeš, literally "pulling different ways," from kešidan "to pull, carry, draw," → galaxy.

  ۱) همدیسیدن؛ ۲) همدیس شدن   
1) hamdisidan; 2) hamdis šodan

Fr.: 1) conformer; 2) se conformer   

1a) To make similar in form, nature, or character.
1b) To bring into agreement, correspondence, or harmony.
2a) To act in accordance or harmony; comply (usually followed by to).
2b) To be or become similar in form, nature, or character (

con-; → form.


Fr.: conforme   

1) That conforms, especially to the shape of something.
2) Math.: Of, pertaining to, or specifying a mapping of a surface upon another surface so that all angles between intersecting curves remain unchanged.

con- + → form + → -al.

conformal compactification
  همپکانش ِ همدیس   
hampakâneš-e hamdi

Fr.: compactification conforme   

A mapping of an infinite → space-time onto a finite one that may make the far away parts of the former accessible to study. The technique invented by Penrose defines an equivalence class of → metrics, gab being equivalent to ĝab = Ω2gab, where Ω is a positive scalar function of the space-time that modifies the distance scale making the asymptotics of the physical metric accessible to study.

conformal; → compactification.

conformal cyclic cosmology (CCC)
  کیهانشناسی ِ چرخه‌ای ِ همدیس   
keyhânšenâsi-ye carxe-yi-ye hamdis

Fr.: cosmologie cyclique conforme   

A cosmological model developped by Roger Penrose and colleagues according which the Universe undergoes repeated cycles of expansion. Each cycle, referred to an aeon, starts from its own "→ big bang" and finally comes to a stage of accelerated expansion which continues indefinitely. There is no stage of contraction (to a "→ big crunch") in this model. Instead, each aeon of the universe, in a sense "forgets" how big it is, both at its big bang and in its very remote future where it becomes physically identical with the big bang of the next aeon, despite there being an infinite scale change involved, on passing from one aeon to the next. This model considers a conformal structure rather than a metric structure. Conformal structure may be viewed as family of metrics that are equivalent to one another via a scale change, which may vary from place to place. Thus, in conformal space-time geometry, there is not a particular metric gab, but an equivalence class of metrics where the metrics ğab and gab are considered to be equivalent if there is a smooth positive scalar field Ω for which ğab = Ω gab (R. Penrose, 2012, The Basic Ideas of Conformal Cyclic Cosmology).

conformal; → cyclic; → cosmology.

conformal geometry
  هندسه‌ی ِ همدیس   
hendese-ye hamdis

Fr.: géométrie conforme   

The study of the set of angle-preserving transformations on a space.

conformal; → geometry.

conformal mapping
  همتایش ِ همدیس   
hamtâyeš-e hamdis

Fr.: application conforme   

A continuous mapping u = f(x) of a domain D in an n-dimensional Euclidean space (n≥ 2) into the n-dimensional Euclidean space is called conformal at a point x0D if it has the properties of constancy of dilation and preservation of angles at this point.

conformal; → mapping.


Fr.: confondre   

1) To throw into confusion or disorder.
2) To treat or regard erroneously as identical; mix or associate by mistake (

M.E. conf(o)unden, from Anglo-Fr. confoundre, O.Fr. confondre "throw into disorder, crush, ruin," from L. confundere "to confuse," literally "to pour together, mix, mingle," from → com- + fundere "to pour"

Pašidan, from Tâti paši "confused, blend;" ultimately from Proto-Ir. *apa-šan-, from *šan- "to shake;" cf. Mid.Pers. pašân-, afšân- "to spread, scatter;" Pers. afšândan "to disperse;" Kurd. pašiv "messy, disordered," pašukân "to be agitated, distraught;" Gilaki voršin "messy, disordered;" see → chaos for other dialectal examples.


Fr.: confondre   

1) To make unclear or indistinct.
2) To fail to distinguish between; associate by mistake; confound (

Back formation from confused, M.E. confused, from confus, from L. confusus, p.p. of confundere, → confound.


  پشیده، پشناک   
pašidé, pašnâk

Fr.: confus   

1) (Of a person) Unable to think clearly; perplexed.
2) Lacking order and so difficult to understand. Disordered.

Past participle of → confuse.


Fr.: confusion   

1) The act of confusing.
2) The state of being confused.
3) Disorder; upheaval; tumult; chaos (

Verbal noun of → confuse.

confusion limit
  حد ِ پشش   
hadd-e pašeš

Fr.: limite de confusion   

The → fluctuations of the → background  → sky brightness below which astronomical → sources cannot be → detected individually. The confusion limit is reached when the density of sources brighter than the → root mean square  → noise becomes high enough within the area of the resolution element.

confusion; → limit.


Fr.: conglomérer   

1) Anything composed of heterogeneous materials or elements.
2) Geology: A sedimentary rock made of rounded rock fragments (greater than two millimeters in diameter), such as pebbles, cobbles, and boulders, in a finer-grained matrix.

From L. conglomeratus, p.p. of conglomerare "to roll together," from → com- "together" + glomerare "to gather into a ball," from glomus (genitive glomeris) "a ball," globus "globe;" PIE *gel- "to make into a ball."

Hâgolemidan, from hâ- "together," → com-, + golem "glomus," → agglomerate.


Fr.: conglomération   

1) The act of conglomerating; the state of being conglomerated.
2) a cohering mass; cluster (

Verbal noun of → conglomerate.


Fr.: congruence   

The quality or state of agreeing or corresponding. → congruent.

Noun form of → congruent.


Fr.: congruent   

1) Agreeing; accordant.
2) Math.: → congruent number.
3) Geometry: → congruent angles, → congruent circles, → congruent line segments, → congruent polygons, → congruent triangles.

Congruent "suitable, proper," from L. congruentem (nominative congruens) "agreeing, fit, suitable," p.p. of congruere, literally "to come together, agree, correspond with," from → com- "with" + a lost verb *gruere, *ruere "fall, rush."

Damsâz "agreeing, consenting, harmonious," maybe from hamsâz "unanimous," → compatible.

congruent angles
  زاویه‌های ِ دمساز   
zâviyehâ-ye damsâz

Fr.: angles congrus   

Two angles if they have the same measure. Congruent angles may lie in different orientations or positions.

congruent; → angle.

congruent circles
  پرهون‌های ِ دمساز   
parhunhâ-ye damsâz

Fr.: cercles congrus   

Two circles if they have the same size.

congruent; → circle.

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