An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Fr.: excrétion   

A process in which an astronomical body loses mass mainly in the direction of its → equatorial regions, as opposed to → accretion.

From L. → ex- + crescere "to grow," → accretion.

excretion disk
  گرده‌ی ِ اُسبال   
gerde-ye osbâl

Fr.: disque d'excrétion   

An expanding → equatorial → disk or → torus of material ejected by a star. The phenomenon may result from a stellar → merger or an increase in its rate of → rotation or → stellar winds. Contrasted with → accretion disk.

excretion; → disk.


Fr.: excursion   

1) A short trip or outing to some place, usually for a special purpose and with the intention of a prompt return.
2) Physics: The displacement of a body or a point from a mean position or neutral value, as in an oscillation ( → geomagnetic excursion.

From L. excursion- "a running forth, expedition," figuratively "an outset, opening," from excurrere "to run out," from → ex- "out" + currere "to run," → current.

Zocâr, literally "wander out, " from zo- "out," → ex-, + câr "to come and go, wander," related to car-, caridan "to psature, graze;" (Karingân) cârumé "excursion, walking around," (Sorxé) câqâle, (Sangesar, Semnân) ceqala "excursion;" Av. car- "to come and go, wander;" cf. Skt. car- "to move, walk, go;" Gk. pelomai "I move;" L. colere "to till, cultivate;" PIE root *kwelH- "to move, turn, wander."


Fr.: exécution   

The act of executing something; the state of being executed.

Verbal noun of → execute; → -tion.


Fr.: effort; exercice   

1) Vigorous action; physical or mental effort.
2) The application or exercise of force, power, or faculties.

exert; → -tion.


Fr.: épuisement   

1) The act or process of exhausting.
2) The state of being exhausted.
3) Extreme weakness or fatigue.
4) The total consumption of something (

exhaust; → -tion.


Fr.: exolune   

A natural → satellite orbiting an → extrasolar planet.

exo-; → moon.

sopâneš (#)

Fr.: expansion   

1) General: The act or process of expanding; the state or quality of being expanded. → expansion of the Universe.
2) Math.: The process of expressing a quantity, or a quantity expressed, as a sum of a series of terms. For example the expression (2x - 1)(x + 3) can be expanded to: 2x2 + 5x - 3. See also → binomial expansion.

Noun from → expand.

expansion of the Universe
  سپانش ِ گیتی   
sopâneš-e giti (#)

Fr.: expansion de l'Univers   

The receding of galaxies from one another at a speed proportional to their separation, as inferred by Edwin Hubble from the observed Doppler shift of distant galaxies. → Hubble constant describes the local rate of the expansion.

expansion; → universe.

expansion parameter
  پارامون ِ سپانش   
pârâmun-e sopâneš

Fr.: paramètre d'expansion   

A → scale factor that relates the size of the Universe R = R(t) at time t to the size of the Universe R0 = R(t0) at time t0 by R = aR0. The expansion parameter represents the history of expansion of the Universe.

expansion; → parameter.


Fr.: espérance, attente   

Statistics: Same as → mathematical expectation, → expected value.

From L. expectare "to await, hope," from → ex- "thoroughly" + spectare "to look," from → specere "to look at," → -scope.

Bayusesš, verbal noun of bayusidan "to expect;" Mid.Pers. pyws- "to hope for, desire" (prefixed *pati-); O.Pers. vasiy "at will, greatly, utterly," vašna- "will, favor;" Av. vas- "to will, desire, wish, long for," vasəmi "I wish," vasna- "will, favor," ušti- "desire, wish, will," vasô, vasə "at one's will." This word is extant in several Mod.Pers. dialects, Tabari vessen "to wish, desire," Gilaki vâssan "to wish, desire," vâsti "desire," Kurd. wistin "to desire, wish," Lâri avessa "to desire," colloquial Tehrâni vâsé "for" (Mid.Pers. vasnâd "because"); cf. Skt. vaś- "to wish, want, desire," váśa- "wish, desire," vasēna "for, because;" Gk. ekon "voluntary;" PIE base *uek- "to wish."


Fr.: explication   

1) The act or process of explaining.
2) A statement made to clarify something and make it understandable.

Verbal noun of → explain.

explicit function
  کریای ِ استاهی   
karyâ-ye ostâhi

Fr.: fonction explicite   

The most usual form of a function in which the dependent variable (written on the left hand side of the Same as → equality sign) is expressed directly in terms of independent variables written on the left (on the right hand side). See also → implicit function.

explicit; → function.

puyeš (#)

Fr.: exploration   

1) An act or instance of exploring or investigating; examination.
2. The investigation of unknown regions.
3) The process of searching for minerals by means of geological studies.
4) Medicine: An examination or investigation for diagnostic purposes, usually involving endoscopy or a surgical procedure.

Verbal noun of → explore.


Fr.: explosion   

The sudden and violent release of mechanical, chemical, or nuclear energy from a confined space which creates a heat wave that travels at → subsonic speeds. → detonation; → deflagration; → implosion.

Verbal noun of → explode.

nemâ (#)

Fr.: exposant   

Math.: A symbol or number placed above and after another symbol or number (called the base) to denote the power to which the latter is to be raised. Examples: n in the expresseion an; 3 in the expression 23.

From L. exponentem, pr.p. of exponere "put forth, explain," from → ex- "forth" + ponere "to put, to place."

Nemâ, agent noun of nemudan "to show, display," from Mid.Pers. nimūdan, from ne- "down; into;" O.Pers./Av. ni- "down; into," → ni-, + mun, Av. māy- "to measure," → display.

nemâyi (#)

Fr.: exponentiel   

Of or expressed by a mathematical → exponent. → exponential curve, → exponential equation, → exponential function.

exponent + -ial, variant of → -al.

exponential curve
  خم ِ نمایی   
xam-e nemâyi (#)

Fr.: courbe exponentielle   

A curve that represents an → exponential function.

exponential; → curve.

exponential equation
  هموگش ِ نمایی   
hamugeš-e nemâyi

Fr.: équation exponentielle   

An equation in which unknowns appear as exponents. Examples: 23x + 1 = 32.

exponential; → equation.

exponential function
  کریای ِ نمایی   
karyâ-ye nemâyi

Fr.: fonction exponentielle   

A function in the form of y = bx defined for every → real number x, with positive base b > 1.

exponential; → function.

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