An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 420 Search : per
hamišegi (#)

Fr.: perpétuel   

Lasting an indefinitely long time; eternal; permanent. → perpetual motion; → perpetual calendar.

M.E. perpetuall, from O.Fr. perpetuel, from L. perpetualis "permanent," from perpetuus "continuous, universal," from perpetis, genitive of Old L. perpes "lasting;"

Hamišegi from hamišé "always;" Mid.Pers. hamišag, from anôšag "immortal," from Av. an-aoša-, from negation prefix → an- + aošah- "death; ruin; corruption" (Mid.Pers. hôš "death;" Mod.Pers. hôš, huš "death; mind; intellect"); cf. derivatives Sogd. nôšé "immortal," nôšak "always;" Mod.Pers. nôš, nuš "the water of immortality; sweet; honey."

perpetual calendar
  گاهشمار ِ همیشگی   
gâhšomâr-e hamišegi

Fr.: calendrier perpétuel   

A chart or mechanical device that indicates the day of the week for any given date over a period of many years.

perpetual; → calendar.

perpetual motion
  جنبش ِ همیشگی   
jonbeš-e hamišegi

Fr.: mouvement perpétuel   

The motion of a hypothetical machine which, once set in motion, will go on for ever without any losses due to → friction or other forms of → dissipation of energy and without receiving any external energy.

perpetual; → motion.


Fr.: Perséides   

A → meteor shower, one of the three most active of the year, which occurs between July 25 and August 20 with the greatest activity between August 8 and 14, peaking about August 12. The Perseids appear as the Earth's orbit around the → Sun crosses the dusty tail of the comet → Swift-Tuttle, as first explained by Giovanni Schiaparelli (1835-1910), an Italian astronomer. Usually about 50 meteors can be seen per hour, but in outburst years (such as in 2016) the rate can be between 150-200 meteors an hour.

Perseus + -ids.

Perseus (#)

Fr.: Persée   

The Hero. A rich constellation in the northern hemisphere between → Auriga and → Cassiopeia, at 3h 20m right ascension, 45° north declination. Beta (β) Persei, or → Algol, is a famous → eclipsing binary star. Abbreviation: Per; genitive: Persei.

The most celebrated of the Greek heroes, the son of Zeus and Danae, who slew the Gorgon Medusa, and afterward saved Andromeda from a sea monster.

Perseus, from Gk., as above, instead of the Arabicized form Barsâvuš (برساووش).

Perseus A
  پرسءوس A   
Persus A

Fr.: Perseus A   

A → radio source in the constellation → Perseus, identified with the supergiant elliptical galaxy → NGC 1275.


Perseus Arm
  بازوی ِ پرسءوس   
bâzu-ye Perseus

Fr.: Bras de Persée   

One of the spiral arms of the Galaxy. It is about 5000 light-years farther from the center than the local Orion Arm, in which the Sun lies.

Persus; → arm.

Perseus Cluster
  خوشه‌ی ِ پرسءوس   
xuše-ye Perseus

Fr.: amas de Persée   

A → galaxy cluster of about 12,000 members about 250 million → light-years (→ redshift z = 0.0176) away, covering 4° of sky in the constellation → Perseus. It is dominated by elliptical galaxies. At its center lies the → radio sourcePerseus A. Also known as Abell 426 (→ Abell catalog).

Perseus; → cluster.

Perseus-Pisces supercluster
  ابرخوشه‌ی ِ پرسءوس-ماهی   
abarxuše-ye Perseus-Mâhi

Fr.: superamas de Persée-Poissons   

A long, dense chain of galaxies with a length of almost 300 million → light-years, constituting one of the largest known structures in the → Universe. At the left end of the supercluster lies the massive → Perseus cluster (A426), one of the most massive clusters of galaxies within 500 million light-years.

Perseus; → Pisces; → cluster.

Persian calendar
  گاهشمار ِ ایرانی   
gâhšomâr-e Irâni (#)

Fr.: calendrier persan   

Same as → Iranian calendar.

Persian, adj. of Persia, from O.Pers. Pārsa.

Irâni adj. of Irân, from Mid.Pers. Êrân "(land of) the Aryans," pluriel of êr "noble, hero," êrîh "nobility, good conduct;" Parthian Mid.Pers. aryân; O.Pers. ariya- "Aryan;" Av. airya- "Aryan;" cf. Skt. ārya- "noble, honorable, respectable."


Fr.: persister   

1) To continue steadfastly or firmly in some state, purpose, course of action, or the like, especially in spite of opposition, remonstrance, etc.
2) To last or endure tenaciously (

M.Fr. persister, from L. persistere "abide, continue steadfastly," from → per- "thoroughly" + sistere "come to stand, cause to stand still," → resist.

Paristâdan from par-, → per-, + istâdan "to stand," → resist.


Fr.: persistance   

The act or fact of persisting; the quality of being persistent.

Verbal noun from → persist.


Fr.: persistant   

Persisting, especially in spite of opposition, obstacles, discouragement, etc.; persevering (

Adjective from → persist.


Fr.: personne   

1) A human being, whether man, woman, or child as distinguished from an animal or a thing.
2) Philosophy: A self-conscious or rational being.
3) Grammar: Any one of three forms of verbs and pronouns used to denote the speaker, the person addressed, or somebody else being referred to.
4) Law: A living human being or a group, either or both having legal rights and responsibilities.
See also:
personal, → personal equation, → personality.

M.E. persone, from O.Fr. persone "human being," from L. persona "human being," originally "character in a drama, mask," possibly borrowed from Etruscan phersu "mask," from Gk. prosopa "face; mask" + -na a suffix.

Tanum, from O.Pers. and Av., related to Mod./Mid.Pers. tan "body, person," O.Pers. tanūš "body," tanūm [] "(to) onself;" Av. tanū- "body, person, self," tanūm []; cf. Skt. tanūš- "body, self;" PIE base *ten-uh- "body."


Fr.: personnage   

1) A person of distinction or importance.
2) A dramatic, historical, or fictional → character in a play, story, etc.

M.E. "form, appearance, stature, figure, air, and the like, of a person," from O.Fr. personage "size, stature; a dignitary," from M.L. personagium, from persona, → person.

Tanumsâ, from tanum, → person, + -sâ, contraction of -âsâ, suffix of "form, type, similarity."


Fr.: personnel   

Of or pertaining to a particular person; individual; private. → personal equation.

person; → -al.

personal equation
  هموگش ِ تنومی   
hamugeš-e tanumi

Fr.: équation personnelle   

A systematic observational error due to the characteristics of the observer.

Personal, adj. of → person; → equation.


Fr.: personnalité   

The sum total of the physical, mental, emotional, and social characteristics of an individual (

personal; → -ity.

  ۱) تنومیدن؛ ۲) تنوماردن   
1) tanumidan; 2) tanumârdan

Fr.: 1) personnaliser; 2) personnifier   

1) To make → personal or → individual; specifically, to mark as the property of a particular → person.
2) Same as → personify.

personal; → -ize.

Tanumidan, from tanum, → person, + -idan, → -ize; tanumârdan, → personify.


Fr.: personnification   

1) The attribution of human nature or character to animals, inanimate objects, or abstract notions, especially as a rhetorical figure.
2) The representation of a thing or abstraction in the form of a person, as in art.
3) The person or thing embodying a quality or the like; an embodiment or incarnation (

Verbal noun of → personify.

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