policy kârâh, kârrâh Fr.: 1) ligne d'action; 2) politique 1) A definite course of action adopted for the sake of expediency, facility, etc. M.E. policie "government, civil administration," from O.Fr. policie "political organization, civil administration," from L.L. politia "the state, civil administration," from Gk. politeia "state, administration, government, citizenship," from polites "citizen," from polis "city, state." Kârâh, contraction of kâr râh, or râh-e kâr literally "way of doing, ~ ~ action," from râh, → way, + kâr "doing, action, → work." |
policy maker kârâh pardâz Fr.: responsable politique, décideur A person responsible for making policy, especially in government (Dictionary.com). |