atomic proposition gozâre-ye atomi Fr.: proposition atomique In → propositional logic, a → sentence without any → connectives. See also → molecular proposition. → atomic; → proposition. |
categorical proposition gozâre-ye katâgorik Fr.: proposition catégorique In a → syllogism, a → proposition or statement that deals with inclusion or exclusion of members of → subject classes in → predicate classes. Categorical propositions are of four basic forms, see → Aristotelian form. → categorical; → proposition. |
compound proposition gozâre-ye hamnât Fr.: proposition composée A statement formed from simple statements by the use of words such as "and," "or," "not," "implies," or their corresponding symbols. → compound; → proposition. |
conditional proposition gozâre-ye butâri Fr.: proposition conditionelle A compound → proposition in which one → clause asserts something as true provided that the other clause is true. A conditional statement consists of two parts, a hypothesis in the "if" clause and a conclusion in the "then"clause. For instance, "If it rains, then they cancel school." It rains is the hypothesis. "They cancel school" is the conclusion. The clause following if is traditionally called the → antecedent, whereas the clause following then is called the → consequent. → conditional; → proposition. |
molecular proposition gozâre-ye molekuli Fr.: proposition moléculaire In → propositional logic, a → sentence containing at least one → connectives. See also → atomic proposition. → atomic; → proposition. |
proposition farâhel, gozâré (#) Fr.: proposition 1) The act of offering or suggesting something to be considered,
accepted, adopted, or done. Verbal noun of → propose. |
propositional gozaare#ay (#) Fr.: propositionnel Logic: Of, relating to, or in the form of a → proposition. → proposition; → -al. |
propositional constant pâyâ-ye gozaare#ay Fr.: constante propositionnelle Logic: A → propositional symbol that represents a → specific → proposition. → propositional; → constant. |
propositional logic guyik-e gozâre-yi, ~ gozaarehâ Fr.: logique propositionnelle A branch of logic that deals with the → truth values of logical statements (→ sentences, → propositions) and uses → logical connectives to build more complex → expressions. The distinctive feature of propositional logic is that it does not deal with logical relationships and properties that involve the parts of a statement smaller than the simple statements making it up. The propositions are evaluated as → true or → false. A more expressive system is provided by the → first-order logic. → proposition; → -al; → logic. |
propositional symbol nemâd-e gozâreyi Fr.: symbole propositionnel An upper case letter, e.g. "A," "B," "C," etc. representing a → proposition. Propositional symbols are divisible into two sorts: → propositional constants and → propositional variables. → propositional; → symbol. |
propositional variable vartande-ye gozâre-yi Fr.: variable propositionnel Logic: A → propositional symbol that represents any → proposition whatsoever. → propositional; → variable. |