radiant 1) tâbandé, tâbeši; 2) tâbsar Fr.: radiant 1) Sending out rays of light; bright; shining. M.E., from M.Fr. radiant, from L. radiantem (nominative radians) "shining," pr.p. of radiare "to shine, radiate," → radiation. 1) Tâbandé, tâbeši adj. from tâbidan,
→ radiate. |
radiant drift delek-e tâbsar Fr.: dérive de radiant The apparent slow motion of the → radiant of a → meteor shower from night to night against the background stars due to the Earth moving in its orbit around the Sun. |
radiant energy kâruž-e tâbeši Fr.: énergie radiative The energy that is transmitted in the form of → radiation, in particular as → electromagnetic radiation. |
radiant flux šâr-e tâbeši (#) Fr.: flux radiatif Rate of flow of energy as → radiation. |
radiant intensity dartanuyi-ye tâbeši Fr.: intensité de rayonnement A measure of the amount of radiation emitted from a point expressed as the radiant flux per unit solid angle leaving this source. |