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rationalism râyan-bâvari, xerad-bâvari Fr.: rationalisme A philosophical doctrine that holds that → reason alone, unaided by experience, can arrive at basic truth regarding the world. From → rational + -ism a Gk. suffix used in the formation of nouns denoting action or practice, state or condition, principles, doctrines, and so forth. Râyan, → reason; xerad, → rational; bâvari, from bâvar "belief" (Mid.Pers. wâbar "beleif;" Proto-Iranian *uar- "to choose; to convince; to believe;" cf. Av. var- "to choose; to convince" varəna-, varana- "conviction, faith;" O.Pers. v(a)r- "to choose; to convince;" Skt. vr- "to choose," vara- "choosing"). |
real-time operation âpâreš dar zamân-e hasyâ Fr.: opération en temps réel The operation of a computer during the actual time that the related physical processes take place so that the results can be used to guide the physical processes. |
regeneration bâz-âzâneš Fr.: regénération 1) Act of regenerating; state of being regenerated. → re-; → generation. |
registration barnuseš Fr.: enregistrement 1) The act or instance of registering. |
relativistic aberration birâheš-e bâzânigimand Fr.: aberration relativiste The aberration of light for an object moving with
→ relativistic speed. In contrast to the classical case,
the → Lorentz transformation between the
→ rest frame of the observer and that of the object
must be used. Relativistic aberration is expressed by the equation:
cos φ' = (cos φ - → relativistic; → aberration. |
restoration bâzsâzi (#), bâzgardâneš Fr.: restauration The act or process of restoring such as → image restoration. Verbal noun of → restore. |
resultant acceleration šetâb-e barâyand (#) Fr.: accélération résultante An acceleration that results from the vector addition of two or more distinct accelerations. → resultant; → acceleration. |
rotation-vibration spectrum binâb-e carxeš-šiveš Fr.: spectre rotation-vibration The spectrum of a molecule resulting from the simultaneous rotation and vibration of its constituent atoms. |
saturation anjâl, anjâleš Fr.: saturation Physics: Degree of magnetization of a substance which cannot be exceeded
however strong the applied magnetizing field. Verbal noun of → saturate. |
saturation current jarayân-e anjâl, ~ anjâleš Fr.: courant de saturation The maximum current that can be obtained in a specific circuit under specified conditions. → saturation; → current. |
saturation induction darhâzeš-e anjâl, ~ anjâleš Fr.: induction à saturation The maximum intrinsic magnetic induction possible in a material. → saturation; → induction. |
saturation signal nešâl-e anjâl, ~ anjaalesh Fr.: signal de saturation, ~ saturé In radar, a signal whose amplitude is greater than the dynamic range of the receiving system. → saturation; → signal. |
second generation star setâre-ye âzâneš-e dovom Fr.: étoile de deuxième génération A star whose formation is induced by an older star itself formed previously in the same region. See also → stimulated star formation, → sequential star formation, → triggered star formation. → second; → generation; → star. |
secular aberration birâheš-e diryâz Fr.: aberration séculaire The smallest component of the aberration of starlight which is caused by the motion of the solar system through space. → annual aberration; → diurnal aberration. → secular; → aberration. |
secular acceleration šetâb-e diryâz Fr.: accélération séculaire The apparent gradual increase in the → Moon's motion in its orbit, as measured relative to → mean solar time. Secular acceleration corresponds to an extremely gradual reduction in the speed of the → Earth's rotation. The slow-down of the Earth's spin comes mainly from → tidal frictions from the Moon. Historically, Edmond Halley (1656-1742) was the first to suggest that the Moon's mean rate of motion relative to the stars was gradually increasing. In 1693, Halley compared eclipses of recent, medieval, and classical Babylonian time, and discovered that the Moon's mean motion had been gradually increasing. Using Lunar Laser Ranging measurement, based on laser reflectors left by the Apollo astronauts on the Moon's surface (1969 to 1972), the secular acceleration is derived to be -25".4 ± 0".1 century 2 (Xu Huaguan et al., 1996, in Earth, Moon and Planets 73, 101). This corresponds to a linear increase of about 3.5 cm yr-1 in the mean Earth-Moon distance. → secular; → acceleration. |
separation jodâyi (#) Fr.: séparation General:
The act or process of separating. The place at which a division or parting occurs. M.E., from O.Fr. separation, from L. separationem, from separare "to pull apart," from se- "apart" + parare "make ready, prepare." Jodâyi state noun of jodâ "separate," from Mid.Pers. yut "separate, different;" Av. yuta- "separate, apart." |
separation energy kâruž-e jodâyi Fr.: énergie de séparation The energy required to remove a particle (a proton or a neutron) from a particular atomic nucleus. → separation; → energy. |
Shapley concentration dabzeš-e Shapley Fr.: concentration de Shapley Same as the → Shapley supercluster. |
signal-to-noise ratio vâbar-e nešâl-bé-nufé Fr.: rapport signal sur bruit Concept used to quantify the effects of noise. It is the ratio of a signal to the standard deviation of the signal. |
spherical aberration birâheš-e koreyi Fr.: aberration sphérique, ~ de sphéricité An aberration of a spherical lens or spherical mirror in which light rays converge not to a single point but to a series of points with different distances from the lens or mirror. Spherical aberration is corrected by using parabolic reflecting and refracting surface. → spherical; → aberration. |
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