Parkes Selected Region (PSR) nâhiye-ye gozide-ye Parkes Fr.: Région sélectionnée de Parkes A catalog of 397 radio sources between declinations +20° and +27° which were compiled from a finding survey made at 635 MHz with the 64m radio telescope at the Australian National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Parkes, N.S.W. and published in 1968. Originally abbreviated PSR, this catalog, which is also called PKS, replaces and improves on four earlier lists (1964 to 1966). |
rigorous selection rule razan-e gozineš-e farsaxt Fr.: règle de sélection rigoureuse A → selection rule obeyed by → discrete transitions. Among them are: rigorous selection rules for → electric dipole transitions (→ permitted) requiring: 1) ΔJ must be 0 or ± 1 with J = 0 ↔ 0 forbidden. 2) ΔMJ = 0, ± 1. 3) → Parity change, i.e. even ↔ odd. |
select gozidan (#) Fr.: sélectionner, choisir To choose from among several. From L. selectus, p.p. of seligere "to choose out, gather apart," from se- "apart" + legere "to gather, select." Gozidan "to select, choose;" Mid.Pers. vicitan, wizidan, wizin- "to choose, select, discriminate," related to cin-, cidan "to gather, collect;" Av. vicidāi- "to discern," viciθa- "separation, discernment;" from vi- "apart, away from" (O.Pers. viy- "apart, away;" cf. Skt. vi- "apart, asunder, away, out;" L. vitare "to avoid, turn aside") + kay- "to choose;" cf. Skt. ci- "to gather, heap up," cinoti "gathers." |
selection rule razan-e gozineš Fr.: règle de sélection Any of a set of rules specifying the relationships between the → quantum numbers that characterize the initial and final states of a quantum-mechanical system in a → discrete transition. Transitions that do not agree with the selection rules are called → forbidden and have considerably lower probability. There are several types of selection rules (→ rigorous selection rule, → LS coupling, etc.) for → electric dipole transition (→ permitted), → magnetic dipole (forbidden), electric → quadrupole (forbidden), etc. |
selective absorption daršam-e gozineši Fr.: absorption sélective Absorption which varies with the wavelength of radiation incident upon an absorbing substance. Selective, verbal noun of → select; → absorption. |
selective scattering parâkaneš-e gozineši Fr.: diffusion sélective A type of scattering that occurs when certain → particles are more effective at scattering a particular → wavelength of light, as in → Rayleigh scattering. → selective; → scattering. |
site selection gozineš-e sit Fr.: sélection de site The process of choosing a site for an astronomical observatory based on meteorology, seeing conditions, and access to the site. → site; → selection. |