self-similar xod-hamânad Fr.: auto-similaire 1) Of a geometric figure, having a structure analogous or identical to its overall structure.
→ fractal. |
self-similar process farâravand-e xod-hamânad Fr.: processus auto-similaire A process that is invariant in distribution under scaling of time. Schematically, images taken of such a process at different time scales will look similar. |
self-similarity xod-hamânadi Fr.: auto-similarité The property of being → self-similar. → self-; → similarity. |
similar hamânand (#) Fr.: similaire 1) Geometry: Having the same shape; representing the same figure drawn to
different scales (same corresponding angles and proportional sides). From Fr. similaire, from L. similis "like," → simulate. Hamânand, contraction of hammânand, from ham-, → com-, + mânand "resembling, like," → simulate. |
similar matrices mâtrishâ-ye hamânand (#) Fr.: matrices similaires Two → square matrices A and B that are related by B = X-1AX, where X is a square → nonsingular matrix. |
similar polygons candbarhâ-ye hamânand Fr.: polygone similaires Polygons that are exactly the same shape, but can be different sizes. |
similarity hamânandi (#) Fr.: similarité The state of being similar; likeness; resemblance. |
similarity transformation tarâdiseš-e hamânandi Fr.: transformation de similarité 1) A transformation that preserves angles and changes all distances in the same ratio. → similarity; → transformation. |