cross-dispersing spectrograph binâbnegâr bâ pâšeâš-e chalipaayi, ~ ~ ~ xâji Fr.: spectrographe à dispersion croisée A spectrograph that utilizes cross dispersion. → cross; → dispersion; → spectrograph. |
echelle spectrograph binâbnegâr-e narde-yi (#) Fr.: spectrographe à échelle A spectrograph that uses an echelle grating to disperse the light. → echelle grating; → spectrograph. |
slit spectrograph binâbnegâr-e šekâfmand Fr.: spectrographe à fente A type of spectrograph that uses a slit to provide resolution. → slit; → spectrograp. |
spectrograph binâb-negâr (#) Fr.: spectrographe An instrument that disperses the light into spectral lines and records them. |