sustain padârdan Fr.: soutenir, maintenir, prolonger To cause or allow something to continue for a long period of time. M.E. suste(i)nen, from O.Fr. sustenir "hold up, endure," from L. sustinere "hold up, support, endure," from → sub- "up from below" + tenere "to hold," from from PIE root *ten- "to stretch," → tension. Padârdan, from Sogd. padâr "to sustain, support," from Proto-Ir. *pati-dar-, from *pati- "to, toward, in, at, agianst," → ad hoc, + *dar "to hold, keep, maintain," → property, + -dan infinitive suffix. |
sustainability padârešpaziri Fr.: durabilité An ecological concept, the property or condition of being → sustainable. Quality, state noun from → sustainable. |
sustainable padârdani, padârešpazir Fr.: durable Ecology: Maintaining ecological balance; exploiting natural resources without destroying the ecological balance of an area, e.g. → sustainable agriculture; → sustainable development. |
sustainable agriculture kešâvarzi-ye padârdani Fr.: agriculture durable The ability of a farm to produce food indefinitely, without causing severe or irreversible damage to → ecosystem health. → sustainable; → agriculture. |
sustainable development govâleš-e padârdani Fr.: développement durable Ecology: A development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. → sustainable; → development. |