syntax amrâž Fr.: syntaxe 1) Linguistics: The branch of → semiotics dealing with the
ways in which words
are arranged to show connections within the sentence. From Fr. syntaxe, from L.L. syntaxis, from Gk. syntaxis "a putting together or in order, arrangement," from syntassein "to put in order," from → syn- "together" + tassein "to arrange;" PIE base *tāg- "to put in order." Amrâž, from am-, variant of ham-, → syn-, + râž from Av. rāz- "to direct, put in line, set," rasman- "the lines or files of the army," razan "rule, order;" cf. raj, raž, rak, râk, rezg (Lori), radé, râdé "line, rule, row," rasté, râsté "row, a market with regular ranges of shops;" ris, risé "straight," râst "right, true; just, upright, straight," → system. |