threshold âstâné (#) Fr.: seuil The level that must be reached for a physical effect to begin or be noticeable. M.E. threschold, O.E. threscold, threscwald "doorsill, point of entering." Âstâné "threshold; a place of rest or sleeping," variant âstân; Mid.Pers. âstânak; ultimately from Proto-Iranian *ā-stānaka-, from *stā- "to stand;" cf. O.Pers./Av. sta- "to stand, stand still; set;" Av. hištaiti; Mid.Pers. êstâtan "to stand;" Mod.Pers. istâdan "to stand;" cf. Skt. sthâ- "to stand;" Gk. histemi "put, place, weigh," stasis "a standing still;" L. stare "to stand;" Lith. statau "place;" Goth. standan; PIE base *sta- "to stand." |
threshold energy kâruž-e âstâné Fr.: seuil d'énergie The minimum energy necessary for the occurrence of some chemical/physical effect. |
threshold of reaction âstâne-ye vâžireš Fr.: seuil de réaction The minimum energy, for an incident particle or photon, below which a particular reaction does not occur. |
threshold signal âstâne-ye nešâl Fr.: seuil de signal
The minimum intensity of a signal that can be detected and recognized. |