tight tang (#) Fr.: serré Firmly or closely fixed in place. → compact. M.E. thight, from O.N. thettr "watertight, close in texture, solid" (cf. second element in O.E. metethiht "stout from eating;" M.H.G. dihte "dense, thick," Ger. dicht "dense, tight," O.H.G. gidigan, Ger. gediegen "genuine, solid, worthy"), from PIE base *tenk- "to become firm, curdle, thicken;" cf. Ir. techt "curdled, coagulated," Lith. tankus "close, tight;" cognate with Pers. tang "tight," as below. Tang "tight; narrow, straight; tight," also "horse girth, a strap for fastening a load" (Mid.Pers. tang "tight, narrow"), tanjidan "to squeeze, press, pull together;" cf. Skt. tanákti "draws together, contracts;" cognate with E. tight, as above; PIE base *tenk- "to become firm, curdle, thicken." |
tight star cluster xuše-ye setâreyi-ye tang Fr.: amas stellaire serré A cluster of stars in which members are closely situated so that high resolution observations are required to distinguish them individually. → tight; → star cluster. |
tightly bound binary star system râžmân-e setâre-yi-ye dorin-e tang bandide Fr.: système d'étoiles binaire très lié → tight; → bound system; → binary star. |