diffuse transmission tarâgosil-e paxšidé Fr.: transmission diffuse Transmission accompanied by diffusion or scatter to the extent that there is no regular or direct transmission. → diffuse; → transmission. |
transmission tarâgosil (#) Fr.: transmission 1) The act or process of transmitting. The fact of being transmitted. Verbal noun of → transmit. |
transmission band bând-e tarâgosil (#) Fr.: bande de transmission The frequency range above the cutoff frequency in a waveguide or transmission line. → transmission; → band. |
transmission coefficient hamgar-e tarâgosil Fr.: coefficient de transmission The ratio given by the → amplitude (or energy) of a transmitted wave divided by the amplitude (or energy) of the incident wave. → transmission; → coefficient. |
transmission grating turi-ye tarâgosili Fr.: réseau par transmission A diffraction grating that has grooves ruled onto a transparent material so that a beam of light passed through the grating is partly split into spectral orders. → transmission; → grating. |
transmission loss dastraft-e tarâgosil Fr.: perte de transmission A decrease in power in transmission from one point to another. → transmission; → loss. |
transmission system râžmân-e tarâgosil Fr.: système de transmission An assembly of elements which are capable of functioning together to transmit power or signals. → transmission; → system. |