molecular vibration šiveš-e molekuli Fr.: vibration moléculaire The dynamical motion of chemically bound atoms which constantly change their position with each other. The vibration of molecules is treated within → quantum theory. Therefore, the energy of molecular vibration can only take → discrete values. To a first approximation, molecular vibrations can be approximated as → simple harmonic oscillator assigned to each mode. |
plane of vibration hâmon-e šiveš Fr.: plan de vibration In a → linearly polarized light, a plane perpendicular to the → plane of polarization and containing the direction of propagation of light. It is also the plane containing the direction of propagation and the electric vector (E) of the electromagnetic light wave. → plane; → polarization. |
rotation-vibration spectrum binâb-e carxeš-šiveš Fr.: spectre rotation-vibration The spectrum of a molecule resulting from the simultaneous rotation and vibration of its constituent atoms. |
vibration šiveš (#) Fr.: vibration 1) The act of vibrating. The state of being vibrated. Verbal noun from → vibrate. |
vibrational šiveši (#) Fr.: vibrationnel Of or pertaining to → vibration. → vibrational mode. |
vibrational energy kâruž-e šiveši Fr.: énergie de vibration, ~ vibratoire The energy due to the vibration of the molecules making up atoms (→ molecular vibration). A molecule in space can have energies in various forms: → rotational energy, vibrational energy, or electronic energy. These energies of molecules are → quantized and a particular molecule can exist in different rotational and vibrational → energy levels. The molecules can move from one level to another level only by a jump involving a finite amount of energy. → Quantum mechanics predicts that any molecule can never have zero vibrational energy, that is atoms can never be completely at rest relative to each other. The harmonically oscillating molecules can undergo vibrational changes determined by simple selection rules obtained from → Schrödinger equation. → vibrational; → energy. |
vibrational frequency basâmad-e šiveši (#) Fr.: fréquence de vibration, ~ vibrationnelle The frequency at which the atoms in a molecule vibrate. The frequencies of → molecular vibrations in diatomic molecules are in the order of 10-12 to 10-14 Hz. In such molecules, the only → vibrational mode available is along the bond. More complicated molecules have many types of vibration and stretching modes. → vibrational; → frequency. |
vibrational mode tarz-e šiveši Fr.: mode de vibration, ~ vibratoire Any of the ways in which a → molecule vibrates. Each vibrational mode has a different → frequency frequency. The number of vibrational modes of a molecule is determined by the number of atoms in it. The number of vibrational modes for a non-linear molecule is 3N - 6, where N is the number of atoms making up the molecule. For a linear molecule it is 3N - 5. → vibrational; → mode. |
vibrational transition gozareš-e šiveši Fr.: transition vibrationnelle A transition between two → quantized → levels of a → molecule that have different vibrational energies. → vibrational; → transition. |
vibrational-rotational transition gozareš-e carxeši-šiveši Fr.: transition vibrationnelle-rotationnelle A slight change in the → energy level of a → molecule due to → vibrational transition and/or → rotational transition. → vibrational; → rotational; → transition. |