bias voltage voltâž-e varak Fr.: voltage de biais A voltage applied or developed between two electrodes as a bias. |
cutoff voltage voltâž-e boré Fr.: tension de coupure The electrode voltage which reduces the value of a dependent variable, e.g. anode current, to a specified low value. |
electron volt (eV) elektron-volt (#) Fr.: électron-volt |
electron-volt (eV) elektron-volt (#) Fr.: électron-volt The energy acquired by an electron when accelerated through a → potential difference of 1 volt (1 eV = 1.602 × 10-12 → ergs = 11605 → kelvins). |
noise voltage voltâž-e nufé Fr.: voltage de bruit Fluctuations of electric potential in a physical system due to spontaneous disturbances in the system. |
overvoltage biš-voltâž Fr.: surtension Voltage which exceeds the normal value between a conductor and earth. |
photovoltaic detector âškârgar-e šidvoltâyi Fr.: détecteur photovoltaïque A detector usually constituted by a p-n junction. Upon irradiation, the electron-hole pairs which are created, are immediately separated by the strong electric field across the junction, and a current is generated, which is proportional to the number of incident photons per second. |
volt volt (#) Fr.: volt The SI unit of potential difference, defined as the difference of potentials across the ends of a conductor in which a power 1 watt is liberated when a current of 1 ampere flows through it. In honor of the Italian scientist Alessandro Volta (1745-1827), known for his pioneering work in electricity and the invention of the first battery. |
voltage voltâž (#) Fr.: voltage, tension The electric potential difference expressed in volts. From → volt. |
voltaic voltâyi (#) Fr.: voltaïque Of, relating to electricity or electric currents, especially when produced by chemical action, as in a cell. → photovoltaic detector. Alessandro Volta (1745-1827), Italian physicist, known for his pioneering work in electricity. |